War Game DVD
Product Description
Originally made for British television, this semi-documentary directed by Peter Watkins was never aired on television because it was considered too shocking and horribly realistic; instead after a delay it was released theatrically and won the Academy Award as best feature documentary of 1966. This film shows what could happen in Great Britain if it were under nuclear attack and the after-effects its survivors would suffer in a post-nuclear-war world.
Sequence after sequence inscribes itself in memory...stirred me to a level deeper than panic or grief. It is more than a diagnosis; it is a work of art...--The London Observer.
Unquestionably the most impassioned outcry against nuclear war yet...a brilliant accomplishment.!--The New York Times.
Now comes a brilliant young English director named Peter Watkins with a 55-minute dress rehearsal for Hell entitled The War Game, and finally we have the full physical and psychological horror at Armageddon and after.--The New Republic.
One of the most powerful anti-war movies ever made; definitely not for the squeamish.
United Kingdom, 1965, B&W, 47 minutes.
NTSC Region 0 encoding (Entire World)