Restricted Films Information

In the United States, no laws restrict the ownership of politically-oriented motion picture content. However, in the EU, UK, Canada, and Australia, importing material related to the Third Reich or Soviet Era is prohibited. Buyers in other countries should check restriction notices on the ordering pages and research the legality of the material in their country before purchasing from our website. International Historic Films, Inc. is not liable for any legal consequences once the material has been adequately addressed and sold.

International Historic Films, Inc. distributes rare historical films without political or social bias. Our clients include educators, researchers, historians, libraries, and government bodies. We provide unique Nazi and Soviet propaganda films in their original state, serving as historical records that illuminate the justifications for these regimes' criminal actions.

We neither support nor condone any prejudice through these films. Instead, we believe they offer crucial insights into a sorrowful chapter of recent history. To ensure responsible distribution, most films come with scholarly editorial content by renowned historians and film experts, providing proper context for modern audiences.
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