General Patton DVD
Product Description
Big Picture Series. A film biography of the life of General George S. Patton, Jr. Extensive footage of his famous 3rd Army in action during World War II and synchronous-sound speeches by the General are included. Introduced by Walter Matthau and narrated by Ronald Reagan. USA, 1960s, B&W, 28 minutes.
Plus: WORLD WAR II BATTLEFIELDS REVISITED 25 YEARS LATER (USA, 1960s, Big Picture Series): Postwar scenes of Normandy beaches, Cherbourg, Saint-Lo, Aachen, Malmedy, Bastogne, Remagen and other places are juxtaposed with actual combat footage taken there during World War II. B&W, 28 minutes.
Both films on one DVD, total running time 56 minutes.
NTSC Region 0 encoding (Entire World)