Your Job In Germany DVD
Product Description
Plus: OUR JOB IN JAPAN (USA, 1946): Unlike its counterpart, Your Job in Germany, Our Job in Japan was probably never seen by either military or civilian audiences. By the time it was readied for release in March 1946, peace with Japan was a reality. Thus the approach to the Japanese is more magnanimous: They are portrayed as victims of cynical leaders who filled their minds with thoughts of world conquest. The ideas that fill the Japanese brain, the film suggests, must be changed before Japan can hope to join the community of peaceful nations. According to the film's director, Theodor Geisel, Our Job in Japan displeased General MacArthur and all prints of the film quickly disappeared. USA, 1945, B&W, 17 minutes.
Both films on one DVD, total running time 32 minutes.
NTSC Region 0 encoding (Entire World)