Assorted Nazi Political Films: 1932 - 1943 (Nazi Propaganda) DVD
Product Description
In the first, Hitler addresses an informally-gathered civilian crowd during a 1932 election rally. B&W, 14 minutes.
In the second, Hitler, Göring and Streicher march to the Feldherrnhalle to honor their comrades who died in the 1923 revolt in Munich. B&W, 7 minutes.
The third presents Hitler's address in Vienna after the take-over of Austria in March, 1938. B&W 4 minutes.
The fourth contains excerpts from Goebbels' famous Do you want total war? speech of February 18th, 1943. B&W, 6 minutes.
Germany, 1932--1943, total running time 31 minutes, English subtitles.
NTSC Region 0 encoding (Entire World)
Libraries and Institutions Please Note: Educational Editions with PUBLIC PERFORMANCE RIGHTS and DIGITAL SITE LICENSES are available.