Lah Im Einsatz:  (Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler In Action) DVD

Lah Im Einsatz: (Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler In Action) DVD

Lah Im Einsatz: (Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler In Action) DVD
Item# 22507

Product Description

On the warpath with Hitler's bodyguard regiment in the fierce battles of Rotterdam and Dunkirk, and the invasions of France, Yugoslavia, and Greece. SS front-line cameramen capture the spirit of the early victorious campaigns as experienced by a single regiment of the Wehrmacht. Scenes of camp life, ceremonies, and combat convey a graphic impression of the comradeship, pride, and elan of this legendary formation.

Germany, 1941, B&W, 39 minutes, German commentary, English subtitles.

[DVD] NTSC Region 0 encoding (Entire World)


Libraries and Institutions Please Note: Educational Editions with PUBLIC PERFORMANCE RIGHTS and DIGITAL SITE LICENSES are available.

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