Panorama: (Color German Wartime Newsreels )DVD
Product Description
A Germany assailed but unshaken is the visual impact of Panorama, a monthly cinematic journal of the War's final year that was aimed at audiences both in Germany and in foreign countries. Four consecutive features range from German cultural and economic life to troops preparing and executing missions, naval maneuvers, and Luftwaffe recruits flying gliders. Novel human-interest subjects from all parts of Europe--including a German circus and an Albanian marketplace--complete an entirely-fresh perspective of the everyday Third Reich and the continent it controlled in the grip of total war.
Germany, 1944/45, Color, 49 minutes, German commentary, English subtitles.
NTSC Region 0 encoding (Entire World)
Libraries and Institutions Please Note: Educational Editions with PUBLIC PERFORMANCE RIGHTS and DIGITAL SITE LICENSES are available.