Gorch Fock DVD
Product Description
An exceptional film, directed by Dr. Martin Rikli, depicting life and work aboard one of the German navy's training ships, the squarerigger Gorch Fock. Beautifully choreographed sequences show sailors scrambling across mainyards to unfurl ship's'sails, tacking into wind, staging rescue drills, swimming alongside ship; even deck-scrubbing scenes become occasions for cinematic poetry. Alternating shots juxtapose the ocean's rhythms with those of men working, capturing both the exhilaration and rigors of life at sea. In its artful composition and graceful editing, sprightly film score and visual flair, this film transcends its time and place, even while richly documenting it.
Germany, 1934, B&W, 15 minutes, German commentary, English subtitles.
NTSC Region 0 encoding (Entire World)