Through Enemy Eyes Volume 5
(Two Disk DVD Set)
May 7, 1941 - - Aug 6, 1941
Product Description
DISK 1: May 7, 1941 - July 4, 1941
NEWSREEL 557: Rudolf Hess Presents Awards at a Messerschmitt Factory; Hitler Speaks in Berlin's Sportpalast and in the Reichstag; Afrika Korps Units Converge on Tobruk; Ancient Battle Site of Thermopylae in German Hands; Occupation Troops in Athens; Crossing the Gulf of Patras into Peloponnesus.
NEWSREEL 561: Rommel Meets with Italian General Gariboldi at the Tobruk Front; Tank Battles in Cyrenaica; Luftwaffe Units Prepare to Invade Crete. (Operation Mercury); German Paratroops invade Crete; German Mountain Infantry and Paratroopers Pursue the Enemy; Luftwaffe General Student Salutes Victorious Paratroopers;
NEWSREEL 562: Hitler Receives Croatia's Head of State Ante Pavelic; New Alsace SA Units in Strassburg are Sworn-in; Heavy Bombing Raid on Birmingham; Port of Canea Captured in Crete; The Swastika Flies over Crete; Afrika Korps Soldiers Visit a Bedouin Camp.
NEWSREEL 564: Ceremonies of Croatia's Entry into the Tripartite Pact; Rommel Awards the Iron Cross to Italian General Gariboldi; Luftwaffe Bombs British Munition Ships in Front of Tobruk; Germany Attacks Soviet Union. (Operation Barbarossa); Wehrmacht Units Advance Toward Kaunas, Lithuania; Luftwaffe Attacks Strategic Targets in Soviet Territory;
NEWSREEL 565: German Troops Arrive in Finland; Fortress Kaunas Taken by German Troops; Swift Advance Toward Minsk; Two Soviet Armies Encircled near Bialystok; Soviet Citadel of Brest-Litovsk Captured; Bedraggled Soviet Prisoners shown.
DISK 2: July 10, 1941 - Aug 6, 1941
NEWSREEL 566: Bavarian Mountain Infantry Capture Lemberg (Lvov) after Heavy Fighting; Ukrainian People Greet German Soldiers as Liberators; Soviet Atrocities in Lemberg are Depicted; Jewish GPU Agents are Turned over to German Forces; 70,000 Soviet Troops Surrounded near Minsk; Heavy Battles Rage in Lithuania; Street Fighting in Libau (Liepaja), Latvia;
NEWSREEL 567: Volunteers from all over Europe Join the Fight against Bolshevism; Finno-German Soldiers Capture the Stronghold of Salla; Romanian Troops March into Bessarabia; Strong Soviet Defense Encountered in the Kiev Salient; Soviet Armies Surrounded in Bialystok-Minsk Region, 325,000 Surrender; The Highly-touted Stalin Line Breached at many Key Points; German Troops Capture Riga; Mechanized Forces Attack Toward Leningrad.
NEWSREEL 569: Volunteers from Denmark, Spain and Italy Depart to Germany; German Destroyers Attack Soviet Patrol Boats near Murmansk; A Bridgehead established Across the Dnieper River; Hungarian and Slovakian Troops Advance Deeper into Ukraine; Heavy Combat in Vitebsk, Polatsk and Smolensk Areas; First Luftwaffe Bombing Raid on Moscow;
NEWSREEL 570: Hitler Visits the Eastern Front; After Heavy Fighting Bessarabia Freed From Soviet Occupation; Vinnitsa and Mogilev Taken by German and Hungarian Troops; Smolensk Captured After Heavy Street Fighting; Scenes of Soviet Paradise in Ramshackle Smolensk; Waffen-SS in Combat Northeast of Lake Peipus; Luftwaffe Fighters and Flak Shoot Down Numerous Soviet Planes.
Germany, 1941, B&W, Total running time: 245 minutes, German with English subtitles
9 Newsreels on 2 DVD-5 Disks
•Interactive Newsreel Selection Menus
•Printed Description Guide of Entire Through Enemy Eyes Series
NTSC Region 0 encoding (Entire World)
NEWSREEL 557: Rudolf Hess Presents Awards at a Messerschmitt Factory; Hitler Speaks in Berlin's Sportpalast and in the Reichstag; Afrika Korps Units Converge on Tobruk; Ancient Battle Site of Thermopylae in German Hands; Occupation Troops in Athens; Crossing the Gulf of Patras into Peloponnesus.
NEWSREEL 561: Rommel Meets with Italian General Gariboldi at the Tobruk Front; Tank Battles in Cyrenaica; Luftwaffe Units Prepare to Invade Crete. (Operation Mercury); German Paratroops invade Crete; German Mountain Infantry and Paratroopers Pursue the Enemy; Luftwaffe General Student Salutes Victorious Paratroopers;
NEWSREEL 562: Hitler Receives Croatia's Head of State Ante Pavelic; New Alsace SA Units in Strassburg are Sworn-in; Heavy Bombing Raid on Birmingham; Port of Canea Captured in Crete; The Swastika Flies over Crete; Afrika Korps Soldiers Visit a Bedouin Camp.
NEWSREEL 564: Ceremonies of Croatia's Entry into the Tripartite Pact; Rommel Awards the Iron Cross to Italian General Gariboldi; Luftwaffe Bombs British Munition Ships in Front of Tobruk; Germany Attacks Soviet Union. (Operation Barbarossa); Wehrmacht Units Advance Toward Kaunas, Lithuania; Luftwaffe Attacks Strategic Targets in Soviet Territory;
NEWSREEL 565: German Troops Arrive in Finland; Fortress Kaunas Taken by German Troops; Swift Advance Toward Minsk; Two Soviet Armies Encircled near Bialystok; Soviet Citadel of Brest-Litovsk Captured; Bedraggled Soviet Prisoners shown.
DISK 2: July 10, 1941 - Aug 6, 1941
NEWSREEL 566: Bavarian Mountain Infantry Capture Lemberg (Lvov) after Heavy Fighting; Ukrainian People Greet German Soldiers as Liberators; Soviet Atrocities in Lemberg are Depicted; Jewish GPU Agents are Turned over to German Forces; 70,000 Soviet Troops Surrounded near Minsk; Heavy Battles Rage in Lithuania; Street Fighting in Libau (Liepaja), Latvia;
NEWSREEL 567: Volunteers from all over Europe Join the Fight against Bolshevism; Finno-German Soldiers Capture the Stronghold of Salla; Romanian Troops March into Bessarabia; Strong Soviet Defense Encountered in the Kiev Salient; Soviet Armies Surrounded in Bialystok-Minsk Region, 325,000 Surrender; The Highly-touted Stalin Line Breached at many Key Points; German Troops Capture Riga; Mechanized Forces Attack Toward Leningrad.
NEWSREEL 569: Volunteers from Denmark, Spain and Italy Depart to Germany; German Destroyers Attack Soviet Patrol Boats near Murmansk; A Bridgehead established Across the Dnieper River; Hungarian and Slovakian Troops Advance Deeper into Ukraine; Heavy Combat in Vitebsk, Polatsk and Smolensk Areas; First Luftwaffe Bombing Raid on Moscow;
NEWSREEL 570: Hitler Visits the Eastern Front; After Heavy Fighting Bessarabia Freed From Soviet Occupation; Vinnitsa and Mogilev Taken by German and Hungarian Troops; Smolensk Captured After Heavy Street Fighting; Scenes of Soviet Paradise in Ramshackle Smolensk; Waffen-SS in Combat Northeast of Lake Peipus; Luftwaffe Fighters and Flak Shoot Down Numerous Soviet Planes.
Germany, 1941, B&W, Total running time: 245 minutes, German with English subtitles
9 Newsreels on 2 DVD-5 Disks
•Interactive Newsreel Selection Menus
•Printed Description Guide of Entire Through Enemy Eyes Series
Libraries and Institutions Please Note: Educational Editions with PUBLIC PERFORMANCE RIGHTS and DIGITAL SITE LICENSES are available.