Through Enemy Eyes Volume 7
(Two Disk DVD Set)
Nov 26, 1941 - - Apr 16, 1942
Product Description
DISK 1: Nov 26, 1941 - Feb 9, 1942
NEWSREEL 586: State Funeral of Ernst Udet, Chief Air Inspector General of the Luftwaffe.; Heavy Artillery Pounds Strategic Targets in Leningrad.; Important Rail Junction of Tikhvin Captured by German Troops.; Deep Frost Impedes the Advance to Moscow.; Infantry Units Reach the Crimean Capital Simferopol.; German Troops Enter the Historic City of Yalta on the Black Sea.; Stukas Attack Enemy Tanks and Troop Concentrations on the Libyan-Egyptian Border.
NEWSREEL 588: Grossdeutschland Regiment in Action near Moscow.; Reich Marshal Göring in Conference with France's Marshal Petain.; One of the two U-boats that sank British Carrier Ark Royal Returns to Port.; German and British Fighter Planes in a Dogfight over the English Channel.; Colonel General Guderian's Panzers Attack Southwest of Moscow.; Italian and German Troops Battle the Brits and New Zealanders in North Africa.
NEWSREEL 592: Enthusiastic German People Donate Warm Clothing for the Soldiers on Eastern Front.; Finnish Troops Counterattack in East Karelia.; Skis are a Necessity in Snowbound Eastern Front.; In Leningrad Sector German Infantry Prevents a Bolshevik Breakout over the Neva River.; Heavy Combat near Sevastopol in Crimea.;
NEWSREEL 594: Reich Foreign Minister Ribbentrop Received by Hungarian Regent Horthy in Budapest.; The Führer Awards Oak Leaves to the Knight's Cross to Waffen-SS General Sepp Dietrich and other Officers.; National Socialist Women at Work Making Camouflage Suits for Winter Warfare.; German Mine Sweepers in Action on the English Channel.; Siege of Leningrad - Soldiers Routine Activities Behind Front Lines.; Heaviest Artillery Pounds the port- and Citadel of Sevastopol.
NEWSREEL 596: Hitler Speaks to the German People on the Ninth Anniversary of his Rise to Power.; General Muñoz Grandes, Commander of Spanish Blue Division, Receives the Iron Cross, First Class.; Supply Lines Operate Around the Clock in Cities Behind Front Lines of the Eastern Front.; German and Romanian Troops Attack Sevastopol and Feodosiya in the Crimean Peninsula.; U-boats Deploy Against the USA.; German and Italian Troops on the Road to Benghazi, Libya.;
DISK 2: Feb 25, 1942 - Apr 16, 1942
NEWSREEL 599: Training at Various German Officer Candidate Schools.; Wintry Woes in Snowbound Woods of Karelia.; Continued Fighting on the Eastern Front.; Colonel General Rommel on the Outskirts of Benghazi.; German U-boats in Action off the Coast of New York.; Precision Teamwork of Luftwaffe Fighters and Kriegsmarine Units on the English Channel.
NEWSREEL 600: Japanese military operations in the Pacific (Japanese Newsreel Footage Included); Hitler Decorates General Model at the Wolf's Lair headquarters. Scenes of Russian Winter; German and Romanian Troops Surround Sevastopol. The Luftwaffe bombs Malta;
NEWSREEL 602: Aftermath of British Bombing Raid on Paris; Hitler Opens the Memorial Day Festivities in Berlin; Winter Warfare in the Donets Region in Russia; Armed Forces Day Celebrated in Berlin;
NEWSREEL 605: The British Naval Raid on the German-held port of Saint-Nazaire; German troops in action on the Central Sector of the Eastern Front; German raider in the Indian Ocean; British Air Attack on Lübeck destroys the Lübeck cathedral.
NEWSREEL 606: Wilhelm Fürtwangler conducts the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra at an Armaments Plant in Berlin; Reich Marshal Göring Congratulates Field Marshal Milch on his 50th Birthday; German troops advance into the Kerch Peninsula in the eastern Crimea; Italian and German Navies in the Mediterranean; Tank Battles in Cyrenaica, Libya;
Germany, 1941-42, B&W, Total running time: 254 minutes, German with English subtitles
10 Newsreels on 2 DVD-5 Disks
Interactive Newsreel Selection Menus
Printed Description Guide of Entire Through Enemy Eyes Series
NTSC Region 0 encoding (Entire World)
NEWSREEL 586: State Funeral of Ernst Udet, Chief Air Inspector General of the Luftwaffe.; Heavy Artillery Pounds Strategic Targets in Leningrad.; Important Rail Junction of Tikhvin Captured by German Troops.; Deep Frost Impedes the Advance to Moscow.; Infantry Units Reach the Crimean Capital Simferopol.; German Troops Enter the Historic City of Yalta on the Black Sea.; Stukas Attack Enemy Tanks and Troop Concentrations on the Libyan-Egyptian Border.
NEWSREEL 588: Grossdeutschland Regiment in Action near Moscow.; Reich Marshal Göring in Conference with France's Marshal Petain.; One of the two U-boats that sank British Carrier Ark Royal Returns to Port.; German and British Fighter Planes in a Dogfight over the English Channel.; Colonel General Guderian's Panzers Attack Southwest of Moscow.; Italian and German Troops Battle the Brits and New Zealanders in North Africa.
NEWSREEL 592: Enthusiastic German People Donate Warm Clothing for the Soldiers on Eastern Front.; Finnish Troops Counterattack in East Karelia.; Skis are a Necessity in Snowbound Eastern Front.; In Leningrad Sector German Infantry Prevents a Bolshevik Breakout over the Neva River.; Heavy Combat near Sevastopol in Crimea.;
NEWSREEL 594: Reich Foreign Minister Ribbentrop Received by Hungarian Regent Horthy in Budapest.; The Führer Awards Oak Leaves to the Knight's Cross to Waffen-SS General Sepp Dietrich and other Officers.; National Socialist Women at Work Making Camouflage Suits for Winter Warfare.; German Mine Sweepers in Action on the English Channel.; Siege of Leningrad - Soldiers Routine Activities Behind Front Lines.; Heaviest Artillery Pounds the port- and Citadel of Sevastopol.
NEWSREEL 596: Hitler Speaks to the German People on the Ninth Anniversary of his Rise to Power.; General Muñoz Grandes, Commander of Spanish Blue Division, Receives the Iron Cross, First Class.; Supply Lines Operate Around the Clock in Cities Behind Front Lines of the Eastern Front.; German and Romanian Troops Attack Sevastopol and Feodosiya in the Crimean Peninsula.; U-boats Deploy Against the USA.; German and Italian Troops on the Road to Benghazi, Libya.;
DISK 2: Feb 25, 1942 - Apr 16, 1942
NEWSREEL 599: Training at Various German Officer Candidate Schools.; Wintry Woes in Snowbound Woods of Karelia.; Continued Fighting on the Eastern Front.; Colonel General Rommel on the Outskirts of Benghazi.; German U-boats in Action off the Coast of New York.; Precision Teamwork of Luftwaffe Fighters and Kriegsmarine Units on the English Channel.
NEWSREEL 600: Japanese military operations in the Pacific (Japanese Newsreel Footage Included); Hitler Decorates General Model at the Wolf's Lair headquarters. Scenes of Russian Winter; German and Romanian Troops Surround Sevastopol. The Luftwaffe bombs Malta;
NEWSREEL 602: Aftermath of British Bombing Raid on Paris; Hitler Opens the Memorial Day Festivities in Berlin; Winter Warfare in the Donets Region in Russia; Armed Forces Day Celebrated in Berlin;
NEWSREEL 605: The British Naval Raid on the German-held port of Saint-Nazaire; German troops in action on the Central Sector of the Eastern Front; German raider in the Indian Ocean; British Air Attack on Lübeck destroys the Lübeck cathedral.
NEWSREEL 606: Wilhelm Fürtwangler conducts the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra at an Armaments Plant in Berlin; Reich Marshal Göring Congratulates Field Marshal Milch on his 50th Birthday; German troops advance into the Kerch Peninsula in the eastern Crimea; Italian and German Navies in the Mediterranean; Tank Battles in Cyrenaica, Libya;
Germany, 1941-42, B&W, Total running time: 254 minutes, German with English subtitles
10 Newsreels on 2 DVD-5 Disks
Interactive Newsreel Selection Menus
Printed Description Guide of Entire Through Enemy Eyes Series
Libraries and Institutions Please Note: Educational Editions with PUBLIC PERFORMANCE RIGHTS and DIGITAL SITE LICENSES are available.