Through Enemy Eyes Volume 13
(Two Disk DVD Set)
March 29, 1944 - - Aug 10, 1944
Product Description
DISK 1: Mar 29, 1944 - May 31, 1944
NEWSREEL 708: German Troops Arrive in Budapest; Soldiers Dig Positions in Snow on Finnish Front; Soviet Attack Repulsed in Pripet Marshes; German Paratroopers Fight in Cassino Area;
NEWSREEL 709: Ski Training at a Waffen-SS Mountain School; Trucks Struggle Through Mud on the Eastern Front; Rail and Factories Are Blown up in Nikolayev; Close Combat in Ruins of Cassino.
NEWSREEL 711: Horse Race in Berlin; Ruins of Monte Cassino Monastery; Gigant Planes Bring Supplies to Crimean Peninsula; Street Fighting in the Kovel Suburbs;
NEWSREEL 712: Hitler's Birthday Celebration; Hitler Inspects New Anti-Tank Weapons; Knight's Cross Awarded to a German Pilot; Allied Bombers Shot Down Over the Alps.
NEWSREEL 713: General Hube's Funeral in Berlin; SS Brigade Wallonia Returns to Brussels; Hungarian and German Troops on the Eastern Front; Floodgates Opened in Flanders and Holland;
NEWSREEL 715: Rommel Speaks to Troops at the Atlantic Wall; German and Rumanian Troops Withdraw in Crimea; Flak Action Against Low-flying Soviet Planes; Grossdeutschland Division in Defensive Action.
NEWSREEL 717: Japanese Bomb American Ships; Refugee Columns Flee Soviets in Rumania; German Police Capture Soviet Partisans; Allied Sub Hit by Depth Charges;
DISK 2: Jun 14, 1944 - Aug 10, 1944
NEWSREEL 719: Allies Land in Normandy; German Troops Fight Allied Airborne Units; SS Division Hitlerjugend in Action; Street Battles Rage in Bayeux Area.
NEWSREEL 720: Rear-guard Units Hit Allied Spearhead in Italy; Coastal Batteries Hammer Allied Ships off Normandy; Allied Equipment Wreckage on Beach; Allied Planes Attack Caen;
NEWSREEL 721: Hospital Ship Erlangen Attacked by Allied Bombers; General von Greim at Eastern Front Command Post; Le Havre After Allied Bomb Attack; Hedgerow Combat Near Saint-Lo.
NEWSREEL 722: General Dietl's Funeral in Berlin; Léon Degrelle Speaks to Wallonian Troops; Coastal and Naval Guns Duel Near Cherbourg; German Tank Counterattack in Bayeux Area;
NEWSREEL 723: Reich Labor Service Art Show in Prague; Goebbels Predicts Victory at Rally; German Mountain Troops in Finland; Intense Combat Action on Western Front
NEWSREEL 725: Ruins of Hitler HQ After Attempted Assassination; Last Meeting of Hitler and Mussolini; Heavy Fighting in Outskirts of Caen; V-1 Missile Deployment Against England;
NEWSREEL 726: Hitler Visits July Plot Victims in Hospital; Colonel Remer Speaks to Berlin Guard Battalion; Germans Retreat on Eastern Front; Allied Prisoner Column Harassed in Paris.
NEWSREEL 727: Men and Women Dig Trenches in the East; French Militia Interrogate Captured Terrorists; U-boat on Combat Mission in North Sea;
Germany, 1944, B&W, Total running time: 271 minutes, German with English subtitles
15 Newsreels on 2 DVD-5 Disks
Interactive Newsreel Selection Menus
Printed Description Guide of Entire Through Enemy Eyes Series
NTSC Region 0 encoding (Entire World)
NEWSREEL 708: German Troops Arrive in Budapest; Soldiers Dig Positions in Snow on Finnish Front; Soviet Attack Repulsed in Pripet Marshes; German Paratroopers Fight in Cassino Area;
NEWSREEL 709: Ski Training at a Waffen-SS Mountain School; Trucks Struggle Through Mud on the Eastern Front; Rail and Factories Are Blown up in Nikolayev; Close Combat in Ruins of Cassino.
NEWSREEL 711: Horse Race in Berlin; Ruins of Monte Cassino Monastery; Gigant Planes Bring Supplies to Crimean Peninsula; Street Fighting in the Kovel Suburbs;
NEWSREEL 712: Hitler's Birthday Celebration; Hitler Inspects New Anti-Tank Weapons; Knight's Cross Awarded to a German Pilot; Allied Bombers Shot Down Over the Alps.
NEWSREEL 713: General Hube's Funeral in Berlin; SS Brigade Wallonia Returns to Brussels; Hungarian and German Troops on the Eastern Front; Floodgates Opened in Flanders and Holland;
NEWSREEL 715: Rommel Speaks to Troops at the Atlantic Wall; German and Rumanian Troops Withdraw in Crimea; Flak Action Against Low-flying Soviet Planes; Grossdeutschland Division in Defensive Action.
NEWSREEL 717: Japanese Bomb American Ships; Refugee Columns Flee Soviets in Rumania; German Police Capture Soviet Partisans; Allied Sub Hit by Depth Charges;
DISK 2: Jun 14, 1944 - Aug 10, 1944
NEWSREEL 719: Allies Land in Normandy; German Troops Fight Allied Airborne Units; SS Division Hitlerjugend in Action; Street Battles Rage in Bayeux Area.
NEWSREEL 720: Rear-guard Units Hit Allied Spearhead in Italy; Coastal Batteries Hammer Allied Ships off Normandy; Allied Equipment Wreckage on Beach; Allied Planes Attack Caen;
NEWSREEL 721: Hospital Ship Erlangen Attacked by Allied Bombers; General von Greim at Eastern Front Command Post; Le Havre After Allied Bomb Attack; Hedgerow Combat Near Saint-Lo.
NEWSREEL 722: General Dietl's Funeral in Berlin; Léon Degrelle Speaks to Wallonian Troops; Coastal and Naval Guns Duel Near Cherbourg; German Tank Counterattack in Bayeux Area;
NEWSREEL 723: Reich Labor Service Art Show in Prague; Goebbels Predicts Victory at Rally; German Mountain Troops in Finland; Intense Combat Action on Western Front
NEWSREEL 725: Ruins of Hitler HQ After Attempted Assassination; Last Meeting of Hitler and Mussolini; Heavy Fighting in Outskirts of Caen; V-1 Missile Deployment Against England;
NEWSREEL 726: Hitler Visits July Plot Victims in Hospital; Colonel Remer Speaks to Berlin Guard Battalion; Germans Retreat on Eastern Front; Allied Prisoner Column Harassed in Paris.
NEWSREEL 727: Men and Women Dig Trenches in the East; French Militia Interrogate Captured Terrorists; U-boat on Combat Mission in North Sea;
Germany, 1944, B&W, Total running time: 271 minutes, German with English subtitles
15 Newsreels on 2 DVD-5 Disks
Interactive Newsreel Selection Menus
Printed Description Guide of Entire Through Enemy Eyes Series
Libraries and Institutions Please Note: Educational Editions with PUBLIC PERFORMANCE RIGHTS and DIGITAL SITE LICENSES are available.