The Eagle's Nest - Hitler's Secret Center of Power DVD
Product Description
A lofty view of Hitler's empire is afforded by this four-part feature, which focuses on the ..Nazi leader's mountain retreat in the Bavarian Alps. A candid look at Hitler and his chief lieutenants, seen through home movies of his entourage, rare archival footage, and unique contemporary interviews with Albert Speer and other survivors, is framed in the perspective of the whole tragedy of the Third Reich through supplemental excerpts from Nazi propaganda films and dramatic newsreel sequences.
PART I THE EARLY YEARSA review of Hitler's early manhood, his 14-year struggle for political control of Germany, and the first years of his rule includes unusual scenes of the construction of his imposing Alpine chalet at Berchtesgaden. Nazi deputies Joseph Goebbels and Martin Bormann are also featured, as well as the Hitler Youth organization. B&W/Color, 60 minutes
Home movies of the Hermann Goring family round out the story of daily life at Hitler's
mountain headquarters, the Berghof, during the last pre-war years of tense diplomatic
maneuvering. Interviews with surviving members of the Fuhrer’s inner circle illuminate
the lives of SS leader Heinrich Himmler and Hitler's mistress Eva Braun. B&W/Color,
60 minutes.
PART III THE SECOND WORLD WARSkillfully-edited battle footage from the -War's early years describes the German conquests of Poland, Denmark, Norway, the Low Countries, and France A behind-the-scenes look at the Battle of Britain and the abortive peace mission of Nazi deputy Rudolf flew to England is provided by eyewitness accounts B&W/Color 60 minutes
The chronology of the last years of the War, including the Allied landings in Normandy,
the destruction of German cities from the air, and the final battle of Berlin, focuses
on Hitler's personality and moods. Scenes unusual for World War II documentaries
including the destruction of the Fuhrer's mountain home and a postwar interview
with Nazi Luftwaffe chief Goring, add a rare human dimension to one of history's
most-fascinating subjects. B&W/Color, 60 minutes
NTSC Region 0 encoding (Entire World)