Lituanikos Sparnai DVD (Wings Of Lituanika) Darius ir Girenas
Product Description
This fascinating example of history in the making re-creates through rare archival footage, the ill-fated effort of Lithuanian pilots Darius and Girenas to achieve the first trans-Atlantic flight from New York to Lithuania in 1933. We meet pilots like A. Gilalis and M. Milavicius, who share their personal recollections and tell of the preparations for this historic event. The Soviet filmmakers stress the unwillingness of the independent, pre-war Lithuanian republic to adequately fund the mission in a way that is interesting but politically suspect. Like all historic events, the circumstances of Lituanika's flight and tragic end are shaded to the advantage of current Soviet regime. Music by G. Kuprevicius and the well-known V. Kernagis enhances the sense of tragic heroism. Lithuania,1983, directed by Robertas Verba, B/W and color, 20 minutes, Lithuanian commentary, no subtitles.

NTSC Region 0 encoding (Entire World)
