Thousand Days & Sicily: Key To Victory DVD
Product Description
Canada's preparations to become the machine shop of the empire during the first thousand days of World War II are depicted through rare home-front footage including Canada's remarkable expansion of its army from one of the world's smallest to over half a million and its Air Force from 4,000 to 120,000; the construction of the second-largest tank factory in North America and the world's largest machine-gun factory; and a lengthy segment from Winston Churchill's speech to the Canadian Parliament in Ottawa. Canada, 1943, B&W, 20 minutes.
Plus: SICILY: KEY TO VICTORY (Canada, 1943): This National Film Board production records the achievements of Canada's First Division in the Sicilian campaign of June, 1943. This was the first time British, American and Canadian forces were combined in a large-scale military operation. B&W, 20 minutes.
Both films on one DVD, total running time 40 minutes.
NTSC Region 0 encoding (Entire World)