Our Heritage: Wood & Songs DVD
Product Description
This film records the loving work of a team of sculptors who chose to pay an artistic homage to the neighbors and other countryman they lost when the village of Ablinga in Zemaitija, Lithuania, was burned to the ground during World War II. As one'sculptor explains, he wanted to capture the essence of the annihilated village, which he says was typical of the Zemaitija region: a bastion of hard-working people who loved the earth. The hauntingly-beautiful music arranged by B.Kutavicus and the quiet dedication with which the sculptors commemorate their loss makes this film a moving expression of the'severity of war.

Lithuania, 1972, directed by Laima Pangonyte and Robertas Verba, Color, 20 minutes, sound, Lithuanian dialogue, no subtitles.
NTSC Region 0 encoding (Entire World)