To The Fair: 1964 New York World's Fair DVD
Product Description
All roads lead to the World's Fair – 1964 – on this, the fair's 50th anniversary. In this high production value film, families and tourists flock to Flushing Meadows, New York and marvel at the futuristic technology, art and architecture of the world. The film shows how visitors learn about various cultures from around the world. And even by today's high-tech standards, there are
"gee-whiz" moments, (see mainframe computers, phone modems and CRT computer terminal displays) giving the fair, and the film, a "retro" and "futuristic" feel all at once.
USA, 1964, IB Technicolor, 25 minutes.
USA, 1964, IB Technicolor, 25 minutes.
NTSC Region 0 encoding (Entire World)