Collusion DVD
Product Description
This 1979 film vividly captures the face of Middle East conflict when Soviet backed Arab nationalism, not Islamic fundamentalism, formed the main opposition to American policy. Documenting Israel’s past and present cruelties against Palestinian civilians – including footage from the 1948 Deir Yassin Massacre, the 1967 Six Day War, as well as currentday air attacks – the film makers underscore Soviet support for the PLO and other liberation movements. Jimmy Carter’s diplomacy, culminating in the Camp David Accords, comes in for special condemnation, and the historic Baghdad Conference (November 1978), at which Egypt was officially ostracized from the Arab League, is given full measure. Also includes interview with Khaled Al Fahoum, President of the Palestine National Council, and footage of Yasir Arafat and PLO forces on parade.
USSR, 1979, B&W, 26 minutes, English commentary.
USSR, 1979, B&W, 26 minutes, English commentary.
NTSC Region 0 encoding (Entire World)