Gaudzia Trimitai Marches (Trumpets are Sounding) CD
Product Description
12 Lithuanian Marches by Bronius Jonusas The "John Philip Sousa of Lithuanian March Music". Each march is interwoven with Lithuanian folk song motifs. Recorded by Stuttgart Brass Ensemble. Conductor: Bronius Jonusas.
12 Tracks Include:
12 Tracks Include:
- Gaudzia Trimitai (Trumpets are Sounding) 2:49
- |Zengimas | Vilniu (March to Vilnius) 2:30
- Ramovenai Zengia (Ramovenai Are Marching) 2:35
- Tai Ne Miskas Slama (It Isn't the Forest Rustling) 2:02
- Seriau Zirgeli (I Fed My Steed) 2:36
- Parado Marsas (The March of Parade) 2:19
- Kur Bakuze Samanota (Where’s My Mossy Cottage) 3:27
- Nedelios Rytel| (Sunday Morning) 2:07
- Plaukia Sau Laivelis (Gently Sails the Boat) 2:21
- Saules, Pirmyn (Guard Girls, Forward) 2:29
- El, Pasauli! (Oh, World!) 2:06
- Leiskit | Tevyne (Longing for the Homeland) 2:21
Compact Audio Disk