Im Trommelfeuer der Westfront Newspaper Ad English Translation Excerpt

A film of the heroic struggle of the nameless soldier.
This monumental new war film incorporates authentic scenes to show the titanic struggle, readiness to sacrifice and death-defying courage of the German, French and English soldiers.
Amid howling and bursting shells, in the roar and crash of nerve-wracking drumfire, we sense the feverish heartbeat of the front as a breathtaking phenomenon.
In this feature, we experience the fate of the nameless fighters at the front in their struggle against the pitiless battle of materiel. Flamethrowers, tanks, machine guns and cannons of every caliber bring death and destruction, and in the faint light of daybreak unfold breathtaking air battles. Burning aircraft dive to earth, captive balloons are shot down, bomber squadrons and long-range guns pound towns and cities to rubble and ash.
Ⓒ 2017 International Historic Films, Inc. All Rights Reserved.