In The Battle Against the Enemy Of the World Film Kurier English Translation Excerpt

Ufa's major documentary film "In Battle Against the Enemy of the World, German Volunteers in Spain" by Professor Karl Ritter has taken on the task of giving an account of our volunteers in Spain from their deployment and battles through to their triumphant procession into Berlin. - Professor Karl Ritter, along with his closest collaborators, spent a lengthy time in Spain. A very large portion of the footage used in this film was shot while surrounded by violent battle. The camera filming these sequences was mounted into the cockpits of bombers flying 5,000 meters above the enemy. It shot images through the vision flaps of German tanks as they broke through the enemy lines, accompanied the flame throwers who smoked out the last nests of red resistance fighters. It was there where canons had the last word, where film cameras have seldom stood. The men operating this camera, among them Professor Karl Ritter, were surrounded by danger and death just as much as the German legionaries at the front. This was the only possible way to show the progression of a wholly modern offensive employing all of modern weaponry, as it never could be show in any film before. - Thus Professor Karl Ritter and his collaborators created a film document, which in its realism and, at the same time, its artistry, is an enduring monument to the combat and victory of our German volunteers in Spain.
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