Stukas Film Kurier English Translation Excerpt

Stukas — ever since the first days of the Poland Campaign this word has become known all over the world. The German dive bombers — supported by the quality of their machines and the unbeatable precision of the ground organization — had a crucial part in the success of countless operations.
The camera gives us a compelling account of the harsh and manifold stuka battles. We experience actions against enemy fortresses and militarily important structures, against tanks, marching colonnades, and finally against the enemy fleeing in the panic-stricken haste.
Professor Karl Ritter, whom we can thank for a number of beautiful soldier films, creates a film of powerful dramatic force out of the day to day of a Stuka group. Each of the many officers and NCOs appearing in the film is a clearly defined character. Each one has his own way of living, of fighting, of winning, and when necessary, of dying. But one thought unites them all, to stand in the very forefront of the battle for the Fatherland.
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