Through Enemy Eyes: A Newsreel History Of The Third Reich At War, Volume 4 DVD Review by Blaine Taylor

Here we see the Tripartite Pact formed in Tokyo by Germany, Italy, and Japan; Marshal Petain welcomed to Lyons, the German people celebrating their second wartime Christmas, motorcycle riflemen on maneuvers, Luftwaffe ace Adolf Galland shooting down a British plane, and his 57th kill; plus the bombing of Valletta Harbor, Malta.
There is also heavy Luftwaffe bombers raiding Scottish coastal shipping, an auxiliary cruiser on a combat mission, a Nazi Party rally in wartime Silesia, and Mussolini meeting Franco at Bordighera, Spain.
The viewer also sees a Police sports festival in Berlin, SS Gen. Sepp Dietrich inspecting the Adolf Hitler Lifeguard Division, Hitler speaking at the Munich Hofbrauhaus on the Nazi Party foundation day anniversary, infantry units on winter maneuvers, Heroes' Memorial Day observances in Berlin, and Japanese Ambassador Matusoka welcomed there.
President Tiso reviews the Slovak Army, the Afrika Korps attacks, Germany invades Greece and Yugoslavia, Agheila and Benghazi fall to Rommel, Salonika falls in Greece, Yugoslavia surrenders, Thasos and Lemnos are captured, and two Greek armies collapse.
Through Enemy Eyes: A Newsreel History Of The Third Reich At War, Volume 4