Tag Der Freiheit: Unsere Wehrmacht (Day of Freedom: Our Armed Forces) DVD
Product Description
A warning of things to come is given in this featurette depicting a mock battle staged by German troops during the colorful ceremonies at Nuremberg on German Armed Forces Day 1935. The camera follows the soldiers from their early-morning preparations in their tent city as they march singing to the vast parade grounds where a miniature war involving infantry, cavalry, aircraft, flak guns and the first public appearance of Germany's new forbidden tank is presented before Hitler and thousands of spectators. This beautifully photographed, light-hearted film created by Leni Riefenstahl is a supplement to her earlier Triumph of the Will as a special tribute to the German Army. Music by Peter Kreuder.
Germany, 1935, B&W, 18 minutes.
NTSC Region 0 encoding (Entire World)