United Newsreels Volume 6 DVD
Product Description
(Sept-Nov 1943)
The sixth volume of the United Newsreels series contains 67 individual reportages as originally viewed in movie houses throughout neutral, recently-liberated, and not-so-neutral countries. The Allies grueling advance in Italy, the progressive air campaign against Nazi Germany, and the capture of Tarawa from the Japanese, highlight this collection. An Army–Navy football classic and an all star Tennis tournament for servicemen in Australia are some of the other exciting features.
67 reportages on one DVD. USA, 1943, B&W, 118 minutes, English Narration.
Reportages Include:
1: Yugoslav Airmen in US Honored by Roosevelt
2: US Bombers Smash Jap Bases in South Pacific
3: Bombing School for Air Cadets
4: New Ship for US Navy
5: Chinese in Canada Hail New Envoy
6: New Road Now Links US-Alaska
7: The War in Italy
8: News of the War in Italy
9: Canada Speeds Huge Timber Crop to War
10: Italian Fliers Join Allies as Co-belligerents
11: Chinese Army Prepares for Action in Burma
12: US Navy Blasts Wake Island by Sea and Air
13: News from North Africa
14: Soviet Torpedo Planes on Convoy Patrol
15: Canadian Fishing fleet Brings in Record Catch
16: Allied 5th Army Hurls Back Nazis on Italian Front
17: Flying Forts Battle Nazis Over Germany
18: Allied Southeast Axis Commanders meet in India
19: Italian Civilians Killed by Nazis in Naples Blast
20: Liner Normandie Salvaged- -Moves to US Drydock
21: America Votes in Wartime Election
22: Australians in Dramatic Jungle Battle with Japs
23: Moscow Pact a Triumph for the United Nations
24: Nation Honors US Marines on 168th Birthday
25: Naples University Confers Degree on General Clark
26: Chiang Kai-shek Host to Allied Leaders in Asia
27: US Nurses Train Under Fire for Duty Overseas
28: 44 Nations Meet in US--Pledge World Relief
29: Princess Julianna Makes first Visit to Dutch Guiana
30: Remote Pacific Island Scene of Volcanic Eruption
31: Sheep Herds Move to New Pastures in US Far West
32: Big Family Solves Labor Problem for Canadian Farmer
33: US Forces Attack Japanese Base on Bougainville
34: Mexico Marks 33rd Anniversary of New Social Order
35: Artillerymen Stage Wild West Show for Anzacs
36: Glider Troops Prepare for Airborne Invasion
37: US Coast Guard Women Hold 1st Birthday Review
38: Tennis Stars Play in Australia for Service Men
39: Latest Films of War in the Pacific
40: The Capture of Tarawa from Japan
41: Roosevelt Reviews US Troops in Iran
42: Allies Mass War Supplies in Italy for Drive on Rome
43: World’s Biggest Troopship Lands in Australia
44: College Girls Make Dolls for Yuletide Gifts
45: US Tests New Torpedo Boats for British Navy
46: New Films for the Battle of Tarawa
47: Gen MacArthur’s Forces Win New Bases in Pacific
48: Navy Airships Guard Convoys in Atlantic
49: Latest Films of Iran’s Royal Family at Home
50: US Arms Experts Develop Powerful New Weapons
51: Engineers Rescue Wild Animals from Desert Viaduct
52: US Planes Down Nazis in Battle Over Germany
53: Enroute Home, Roosevelt Hails Troops in Sicily
54: Novorossisk Recaptured by Soviet Forces
55: Wright Brothers, Aviation Pioneers, Honored by US
56: Roosevelt Family Holds Holiday Reunion at Home
57: Australian Boys Learn Seamanship at Marine School
58: Churchill Hailed by Troops in Middle East
59: US Bombers in Mass Attacks on Japanese Bases
60: Heavy Rains Slow Allied Advance on Italian Front
61: US Bombers Pave Way for Invasion Forces
62: US Air Forces Battle Japs for Pacific Bases
63: Locomotives for Indian Railways Made in Canada
64: US Hospital Ship Brings Wounded Home from War
65: Army, Navy Stage Football Classic in Australia
66: Allied 5th Army Drives Forward on Italian Front
67: United Nations Bombers Blast Nazi Europe
DVD contains interactive search menu.
67 reportages on one DVD. USA, 1943, B&W, 118 minutes, English Narration.
The sixth volume of the United Newsreels series contains 67 individual reportages as originally viewed in movie houses throughout neutral, recently-liberated, and not-so-neutral countries. The Allies grueling advance in Italy, the progressive air campaign against Nazi Germany, and the capture of Tarawa from the Japanese, highlight this collection. An Army–Navy football classic and an all star Tennis tournament for servicemen in Australia are some of the other exciting features.
67 reportages on one DVD. USA, 1943, B&W, 118 minutes, English Narration.
Reportages Include:
1: Yugoslav Airmen in US Honored by Roosevelt
2: US Bombers Smash Jap Bases in South Pacific
3: Bombing School for Air Cadets
4: New Ship for US Navy
5: Chinese in Canada Hail New Envoy
6: New Road Now Links US-Alaska
7: The War in Italy
8: News of the War in Italy
9: Canada Speeds Huge Timber Crop to War
10: Italian Fliers Join Allies as Co-belligerents
11: Chinese Army Prepares for Action in Burma
12: US Navy Blasts Wake Island by Sea and Air
13: News from North Africa
14: Soviet Torpedo Planes on Convoy Patrol
15: Canadian Fishing fleet Brings in Record Catch
16: Allied 5th Army Hurls Back Nazis on Italian Front
17: Flying Forts Battle Nazis Over Germany
18: Allied Southeast Axis Commanders meet in India
19: Italian Civilians Killed by Nazis in Naples Blast
20: Liner Normandie Salvaged- -Moves to US Drydock
21: America Votes in Wartime Election
22: Australians in Dramatic Jungle Battle with Japs
23: Moscow Pact a Triumph for the United Nations
24: Nation Honors US Marines on 168th Birthday
25: Naples University Confers Degree on General Clark
26: Chiang Kai-shek Host to Allied Leaders in Asia
27: US Nurses Train Under Fire for Duty Overseas
28: 44 Nations Meet in US--Pledge World Relief
29: Princess Julianna Makes first Visit to Dutch Guiana
30: Remote Pacific Island Scene of Volcanic Eruption
31: Sheep Herds Move to New Pastures in US Far West
32: Big Family Solves Labor Problem for Canadian Farmer
33: US Forces Attack Japanese Base on Bougainville
34: Mexico Marks 33rd Anniversary of New Social Order
35: Artillerymen Stage Wild West Show for Anzacs
36: Glider Troops Prepare for Airborne Invasion
37: US Coast Guard Women Hold 1st Birthday Review
38: Tennis Stars Play in Australia for Service Men
39: Latest Films of War in the Pacific
40: The Capture of Tarawa from Japan
41: Roosevelt Reviews US Troops in Iran
42: Allies Mass War Supplies in Italy for Drive on Rome
43: World’s Biggest Troopship Lands in Australia
44: College Girls Make Dolls for Yuletide Gifts
45: US Tests New Torpedo Boats for British Navy
46: New Films for the Battle of Tarawa
47: Gen MacArthur’s Forces Win New Bases in Pacific
48: Navy Airships Guard Convoys in Atlantic
49: Latest Films of Iran’s Royal Family at Home
50: US Arms Experts Develop Powerful New Weapons
51: Engineers Rescue Wild Animals from Desert Viaduct
52: US Planes Down Nazis in Battle Over Germany
53: Enroute Home, Roosevelt Hails Troops in Sicily
54: Novorossisk Recaptured by Soviet Forces
55: Wright Brothers, Aviation Pioneers, Honored by US
56: Roosevelt Family Holds Holiday Reunion at Home
57: Australian Boys Learn Seamanship at Marine School
58: Churchill Hailed by Troops in Middle East
59: US Bombers in Mass Attacks on Japanese Bases
60: Heavy Rains Slow Allied Advance on Italian Front
61: US Bombers Pave Way for Invasion Forces
62: US Air Forces Battle Japs for Pacific Bases
63: Locomotives for Indian Railways Made in Canada
64: US Hospital Ship Brings Wounded Home from War
65: Army, Navy Stage Football Classic in Australia
66: Allied 5th Army Drives Forward on Italian Front
67: United Nations Bombers Blast Nazi Europe
DVD contains interactive search menu.
67 reportages on one DVD. USA, 1943, B&W, 118 minutes, English Narration.
NTSC Region 0 encoding (Entire World)
See also United Newsreels 20 DVD Set Vol 1-20 (DVD) or United Newsreels 5 DVD Set Vol 6-10 (DVD)