United Newsreels Volume 7 DVD
Product Description
(Dec. 1943- Feb. 1944)
This is the seventh volume of the United Newsreel series featuring a collection of 57 individual reports as originally viewed in movie houses throughout neutral, recently-liberated, and not-so-neutral countries. The savage fighting at Anzio Beach in Italy, the beginning of the all-out air campaign against Nazi Germany, and the invasion and conquest of Marshall Islands in the Pacific campaign, are some of the prominent features in this volume.
USA, 1944, B&W, 105 minutes, English Narration.
Reportages Include:
1: Headlines from the East
2: Movie Star Killed in Line of Duty, Honored by US
3: Air and Sea Battles Mark War in Pacific
4: Navy Flying Boat, World’s Largest, Makes Record Hop
5: Army’s New Field Guns Lay Down Barrage of Fire
6: US Women Hold Dangerous Jobs in War Industry
7: Dispatch Riders Ready for Duty on Every Front
8: Racing Ice Boats Newest Test for Coast Guard Girls
9: War News from Italy
10: Navy Launches World’s Mightiest Battleship
11: New York City’s Chinese Stage War Bond Drive
12: Chilean Copper Aids Vital Allied War Industries
13: New Fire Fighter Demonstrated by Army Air Force
14: Canadian Navy Men Keep Fit in Zero Weather
15: Allied Advance on Italian Front
16: New Allied Army Lands in Italy South of Rome
17: Chinese Troops Drive Japs from Changteh
18: US Forces Take Key Jap Bases in Central Pacific
19: Allied Forces in Action on India-Burma Front
20: Australian Girls Stage Mass Drill at Army Hospital
21: America’s Famous Quadruplets Hold Birthday Party
22: Latest Films of War in Italy
23: Refugees of Yugoslavia Find Haven in Italy
24: Allied Generals in London to Map Strategy of War
25: War News from China’s Armies in Southeast Asia
26: New Ships Bring US Navy to Twice Pre-War Strength
27: America Gives New Warship to People of France
28: US Invasion of Japanese Marshall Islands
29: New Films of US Victory in the Marshall Islands
30: Global War Finds United Nations on Many Fronts
31: Sled Dogs Rescue Air Pilot in Saga of Frozen North
32: Italian Cadets Learn Seamanship on Sailing Craft
33: Rocket Targets Test Accuracy of Anti-aircraft Guns
34: Winter Sports for British and US Sailors on Leave
35: New “Shangri-la” Honors Historic Raid on Tokyo
36: US Bombers in First Daylight Raid on Berlin
37: Americans Home from Nazi Prisons Report on War
38: Australia Hails Veterans Home from Overseas
39: American Women in the News
40: Nazi Prisoners Volunteer for Work in US Camp
41: Italian Refugees Moved to Safety by Allied Powers
42: United Nations Forces in Britain Ready for Action
43: Americans Win New Airbases in South Pacific
44: Jungle Outposts Get Supplies by Parachute
45: Princess Juliana Visits South American Colony
46: Allies Bomb Nazi Targets in France and Netherlands
47: Allies Dig in on Anzio Front
48: Brazil Sends Troops Overseas
49: New Super Jeep Passes Army Test
50: American War Heroes Honored
51: Biggest Salt Mine Works for Allies
52: Girl Lifeguards Replace Men on Australian Beach
53: US Navy Planes Blast Truk, Jap Base in Pacific
54: US Navy Planes Bomb Jap Ships in South Pacific
55: US Servicewomen Hail Spring from Coast to Coast
56: 50th Birthday of Cinema Recalls Historic Films
57: England Sees Airborne Troops Ready for Test
USA, 1944, B&W, 105 minutes, English Narration.
DVD contains interactive search menu.
This is the seventh volume of the United Newsreel series featuring a collection of 57 individual reports as originally viewed in movie houses throughout neutral, recently-liberated, and not-so-neutral countries. The savage fighting at Anzio Beach in Italy, the beginning of the all-out air campaign against Nazi Germany, and the invasion and conquest of Marshall Islands in the Pacific campaign, are some of the prominent features in this volume.
USA, 1944, B&W, 105 minutes, English Narration.
Reportages Include:
1: Headlines from the East
2: Movie Star Killed in Line of Duty, Honored by US
3: Air and Sea Battles Mark War in Pacific
4: Navy Flying Boat, World’s Largest, Makes Record Hop
5: Army’s New Field Guns Lay Down Barrage of Fire
6: US Women Hold Dangerous Jobs in War Industry
7: Dispatch Riders Ready for Duty on Every Front
8: Racing Ice Boats Newest Test for Coast Guard Girls
9: War News from Italy
10: Navy Launches World’s Mightiest Battleship
11: New York City’s Chinese Stage War Bond Drive
12: Chilean Copper Aids Vital Allied War Industries
13: New Fire Fighter Demonstrated by Army Air Force
14: Canadian Navy Men Keep Fit in Zero Weather
15: Allied Advance on Italian Front
16: New Allied Army Lands in Italy South of Rome
17: Chinese Troops Drive Japs from Changteh
18: US Forces Take Key Jap Bases in Central Pacific
19: Allied Forces in Action on India-Burma Front
20: Australian Girls Stage Mass Drill at Army Hospital
21: America’s Famous Quadruplets Hold Birthday Party
22: Latest Films of War in Italy
23: Refugees of Yugoslavia Find Haven in Italy
24: Allied Generals in London to Map Strategy of War
25: War News from China’s Armies in Southeast Asia
26: New Ships Bring US Navy to Twice Pre-War Strength
27: America Gives New Warship to People of France
28: US Invasion of Japanese Marshall Islands
29: New Films of US Victory in the Marshall Islands
30: Global War Finds United Nations on Many Fronts
31: Sled Dogs Rescue Air Pilot in Saga of Frozen North
32: Italian Cadets Learn Seamanship on Sailing Craft
33: Rocket Targets Test Accuracy of Anti-aircraft Guns
34: Winter Sports for British and US Sailors on Leave
35: New “Shangri-la” Honors Historic Raid on Tokyo
36: US Bombers in First Daylight Raid on Berlin
37: Americans Home from Nazi Prisons Report on War
38: Australia Hails Veterans Home from Overseas
39: American Women in the News
40: Nazi Prisoners Volunteer for Work in US Camp
41: Italian Refugees Moved to Safety by Allied Powers
42: United Nations Forces in Britain Ready for Action
43: Americans Win New Airbases in South Pacific
44: Jungle Outposts Get Supplies by Parachute
45: Princess Juliana Visits South American Colony
46: Allies Bomb Nazi Targets in France and Netherlands
47: Allies Dig in on Anzio Front
48: Brazil Sends Troops Overseas
49: New Super Jeep Passes Army Test
50: American War Heroes Honored
51: Biggest Salt Mine Works for Allies
52: Girl Lifeguards Replace Men on Australian Beach
53: US Navy Planes Blast Truk, Jap Base in Pacific
54: US Navy Planes Bomb Jap Ships in South Pacific
55: US Servicewomen Hail Spring from Coast to Coast
56: 50th Birthday of Cinema Recalls Historic Films
57: England Sees Airborne Troops Ready for Test
USA, 1944, B&W, 105 minutes, English Narration.
DVD contains interactive search menu.
NTSC Region 0 encoding (Entire World)
See also United Newsreels 20 DVD Set Vol 1-20 (DVD) or United Newsreels 5 DVD Set Vol 6-10 (DVD)