United Newsreels Volume 8 DVD
Product Description
(March-June 1944)
This is the eighth volume of the United Newsreel series featuring a collection of 66 individual reportages that were originally viewed in movie houses throughout neutral, recently-liberated, and not-so-neutral countries . The burgeoning Allied offensives in Burma and New Guinea, the capture of Rome, and the very beginning of the D-Day invasion are some of the military milestones of this volume. Two Canadian newsreels, one in French, are some of the other features.
USA, 1944, B&W, 123 minutes, English Narration.
Reportages Include:
1: New Plane Breaks Speed Record in First US Flight
2: US Missionary in Alaska Adopts 20 Children
3: Canada Powders Millions of Eggs for Troops Abroad
4: Vesuvius in Eruption
5: Allied Armies in Burma Battle Japs on Wide Front
6: Canada’s Navy Stages Gala Show for Men on Leave
7: Tito’s Patriots Return to Fight for Yugoslavia
8: Allies Feed and Clothe Refugees from War Zone
9: Enemy U-boats Fail to Stop Convoys Supplying Britain
10: Huge Air Fleets Bomb Nazi War Plants in Europe
11: 40 Nations Meet for International Labor Parley
12: US Secretary of Navy Buried with High Honors
13: Wind Tunnel Tests Propellers for Giant Planes
14: New Aircraft Carrier Launched by US Navy
15: Latest Films of US Action in South Pacific
16: Allied Patrols in Action on Anzio Beach
17: Stettinius of US State Department Back from London
18: American Women in Uniform at Home and Abroad
19: Babies of US Service Men in Beauty Show
20: Snow Ploughs Open Roads in US Far West
21: US Midshipman Honor Admiral of Peruvian Navy
22: Kentucky Derby Thrills 60,000 Turf Enthusiasts
23: Australian Life-Guards Stage Surf Carnival at Bondi Beach
24: Allied Guns Blast Nazi’s in Italy
25: Italian Prisoners Volunteer for US Engineers
26: New Citizens Pledge Loyalty to America
27: US Troops “at Home” in England
28: Army Tests New Divisions as Invasion Looms
29: Gen Eisenhower Inspects Air Bases in England
30: Allied Drive on in Italy-Planes Smash Foe in Air
31: Planes Span US Continent in Record 6 ½ Hours
32: 1300 New Cadet Nurses Pledge Service to US
33: Army Salutes New Divisions Ready to Sail Overseas
34: Aerial Smoke Screen Aids US Farmer Kill Pests
35: Allied Forces Take Hollandia in New Guinea
36: American Army Women Serving on All Fronts
37: Workers Build 5000th Boeing Fort since War
38: Cameramen Ready to Film Invasion
39: Home Town Hails Air Force Hero
40: Allied Armies in Italy Joined for Drive North
41: D-Day
42: Navy Planes Down Japs in Pacific Battle
43: Eisenhower’s Son in West Point Graduation
44: US Indians Hosts to Chinese Pilots
45: Parade Opens Fifth War Bond Drive
46: News Flashes from US Army in Italy
47: Airborne Forces Play Big Role in Battle of Europe
48: US Planes Attack Japan
49: Liberation of Rome
50: Republicans Nominate Dewey
51: New Government Installed in Rome
52: Roosevelt Signs “Soldiers’ Bill”
53: China Builds Airfields for B-29 Bombers
54: Allies Liberate Island of Elba
55: With Tito in Yugoslavia
56: US Military Chief Visits Italian Front
57: United Nations Storm Saipan
Canadian United Newsreels
58: Canada’s Military Might Revealed
59: New Type Homes for Post War
60: Night and Day
61: Allies Smash on in Italy
62: Fifth and Eighth Armies Meet
French Canadian Newsreels
63: Avance Des Allies en Italie (The Allies Advance in Italy)
64: Plans Pour La Victoir et La Paix (Plans for Victory and Peace)
65: Demeures Originales Pour Les Troupes (Original Homes for the Troops)
66: Le Roi George Inspect La Marine Royale (King George Inspects the Royal Navy)
USA, 1944, B&W, 123 minutes, English Narration.
DVD contains interactive search menu.
This is the eighth volume of the United Newsreel series featuring a collection of 66 individual reportages that were originally viewed in movie houses throughout neutral, recently-liberated, and not-so-neutral countries . The burgeoning Allied offensives in Burma and New Guinea, the capture of Rome, and the very beginning of the D-Day invasion are some of the military milestones of this volume. Two Canadian newsreels, one in French, are some of the other features.
USA, 1944, B&W, 123 minutes, English Narration.
Reportages Include:
1: New Plane Breaks Speed Record in First US Flight
2: US Missionary in Alaska Adopts 20 Children
3: Canada Powders Millions of Eggs for Troops Abroad
4: Vesuvius in Eruption
5: Allied Armies in Burma Battle Japs on Wide Front
6: Canada’s Navy Stages Gala Show for Men on Leave
7: Tito’s Patriots Return to Fight for Yugoslavia
8: Allies Feed and Clothe Refugees from War Zone
9: Enemy U-boats Fail to Stop Convoys Supplying Britain
10: Huge Air Fleets Bomb Nazi War Plants in Europe
11: 40 Nations Meet for International Labor Parley
12: US Secretary of Navy Buried with High Honors
13: Wind Tunnel Tests Propellers for Giant Planes
14: New Aircraft Carrier Launched by US Navy
15: Latest Films of US Action in South Pacific
16: Allied Patrols in Action on Anzio Beach
17: Stettinius of US State Department Back from London
18: American Women in Uniform at Home and Abroad
19: Babies of US Service Men in Beauty Show
20: Snow Ploughs Open Roads in US Far West
21: US Midshipman Honor Admiral of Peruvian Navy
22: Kentucky Derby Thrills 60,000 Turf Enthusiasts
23: Australian Life-Guards Stage Surf Carnival at Bondi Beach
24: Allied Guns Blast Nazi’s in Italy
25: Italian Prisoners Volunteer for US Engineers
26: New Citizens Pledge Loyalty to America
27: US Troops “at Home” in England
28: Army Tests New Divisions as Invasion Looms
29: Gen Eisenhower Inspects Air Bases in England
30: Allied Drive on in Italy-Planes Smash Foe in Air
31: Planes Span US Continent in Record 6 ½ Hours
32: 1300 New Cadet Nurses Pledge Service to US
33: Army Salutes New Divisions Ready to Sail Overseas
34: Aerial Smoke Screen Aids US Farmer Kill Pests
35: Allied Forces Take Hollandia in New Guinea
36: American Army Women Serving on All Fronts
37: Workers Build 5000th Boeing Fort since War
38: Cameramen Ready to Film Invasion
39: Home Town Hails Air Force Hero
40: Allied Armies in Italy Joined for Drive North
41: D-Day
42: Navy Planes Down Japs in Pacific Battle
43: Eisenhower’s Son in West Point Graduation
44: US Indians Hosts to Chinese Pilots
45: Parade Opens Fifth War Bond Drive
46: News Flashes from US Army in Italy
47: Airborne Forces Play Big Role in Battle of Europe
48: US Planes Attack Japan
49: Liberation of Rome
50: Republicans Nominate Dewey
51: New Government Installed in Rome
52: Roosevelt Signs “Soldiers’ Bill”
53: China Builds Airfields for B-29 Bombers
54: Allies Liberate Island of Elba
55: With Tito in Yugoslavia
56: US Military Chief Visits Italian Front
57: United Nations Storm Saipan
Canadian United Newsreels
58: Canada’s Military Might Revealed
59: New Type Homes for Post War
60: Night and Day
61: Allies Smash on in Italy
62: Fifth and Eighth Armies Meet
French Canadian Newsreels
63: Avance Des Allies en Italie (The Allies Advance in Italy)
64: Plans Pour La Victoir et La Paix (Plans for Victory and Peace)
65: Demeures Originales Pour Les Troupes (Original Homes for the Troops)
66: Le Roi George Inspect La Marine Royale (King George Inspects the Royal Navy)
USA, 1944, B&W, 123 minutes, English Narration.
DVD contains interactive search menu.
NTSC Region 0 encoding (Entire World)
See also United Newsreels 20 DVD Set Vol 1-20 (DVD) or United Newsreels 5 DVD Set Vol 6-10 (DVD)