United Newsreels Volume 11 DVD
Product Description
(September to November 1944)
This is the 11th volume of the United Newsreel series featuring 62 separate reportages as originally viewed in movie houses throughout neutral, recently-liberated, and not-so-neutral countries between September through November 1944.
This is the 11th volume of the United Newsreel series featuring 62 separate reportages as originally viewed in movie houses throughout neutral, recently-liberated, and not-so-neutral countries between September through November 1944.
- Distinguished Visitors to Washington
- Australian Fishermen Make Record Catch
- Marines Round Up Native Cattle on Pacific Island
- Allied Action in Burma
- Brazilian Troops with 5th Army in Italy
- United Nations Delegates Visit Jefferson's Home
- US Military Railway to Russia
- Roosevelt and Churchill Meet in Quebec
- US Capital Receives New Coat of Paint
- Roosevelt and Churchill End Quebec Talks
- Emergency Transportation in Rome
- Brazilian General Honors Cadets at West Point
- Combat Cameramen in the Pacific
- New US Jet Propulsion Plane
- Xmas Packages for War Prisoners
- Generals Address American Legion
- Uruguay Celebrates Independence Day
- The B-29
- UNRAA Meets in Montreal
- Third Anniversary of Victory Fleet
- China Joins Security Talks
- Pacific Offensive
- US Bomber Mission in Visit to Chile
- Funeral Services for Al Smith
- Guadalcanal Victory Garden
- Princess Martha at Norwegian Gunnery School
- LaHarve, Boulogne Fall; Calais is Stormed
- Pacific Advance Continues
- "Fighting 92nd" with the Fifth Army in Italy
- Wendell Willkie-World Citizen
- Stettinius Summarizes Security Talks
- Chinese Take Tengchung on Burma Road
- Ploesti Oil Fields Devastated
- MacArthur Returns to the Philippines
- Red Cross Parcels for War Prisoners
- Uruguay Military Academy Marks 59th Anniversary
- Giant Calculator Solves Problems in Mathematics
- Battle for Peleliu Island in Final Stages
- Allied Armies Break Gothic Line in Italy
- Allies Capture Great French Port of Brest
- Medals for Heroes
- Antwerp Falls
- Marshall Meets Eisenhower
- Aachen Corridor Closed
- British Land in Greece
- Allies Set for Offensive
- Invasion Harbours (First Pictures)
- Americans Take Aachen
- Allies Break Nazi Grip on Holland
- Air Communiqué
- Athens Liberated
- Western Air Front
- Danes Hit Back
- Allies Fight to Free Scheldts
- Allies Clear Scheldt Islands
- Eisenhower Honours Allied Air Chiefs
- Bucharest Liberated
- Balkan Patriots Aided by Allies
- Armistice Day in France
- Allies Advance in Mud and Snow
- Death of the "Tirpitz"
- Trapped Battalion Relieved
USA, 1944, B&W, 120 minutes, English Narration
NTSC Region 0 encoding (Entire World)
See also United Newsreels 20 DVD Set Vol 1-20 (DVD) or United Newsreels 5 DVD Set Vol 11-15 (DVD)