United Newsreels Volume 12 DVD
Product Description
(October to December 1944)
This is the 12th volume of the United Newsreel series featuring 51 separate reportages as originally viewed in movie houses throughout neutral, recently-liberated, and not-so-neutral countries between October through December 1944).
This is the 12th volume of the United Newsreel series featuring 51 separate reportages as originally viewed in movie houses throughout neutral, recently-liberated, and not-so-neutral countries between October through December 1944).
- Rush Repairs on Supply Ships
- Military Police
- Soldiers Vote
- Advance in Germany
- Eisenhower in Brussels
- Red Ball Highway
- Air and Ground Blows on Reich
- Western Front
- Labor Leaders Plan for Future
- Eisenhower Tours Front
- Allies Unlock Antwerp Gates
- French Honor American Heroes
- American Soldiers Rebuild London's Bombed Homes
- Supreme Allied Commander Sends Greetings
- United States Representatives Inspect Front
- Western Front Reaches Rhine
- American Sub Rescues Airman
- Americans Fight Flying Bombs
- Portable Pipelines
- Action on the Western Front
- Christmas 1944
- USS Iowa Joins the Navy
- Army Painting on Exhibition
- Schoolboys Learn Homemaking Skills
- 169th Anniversary of the United States Marines
- Antwerp Freed; Aachen Captured
- Roosevelt Wins
- 51 Nations at Aviation Conference
- MacArthur Returns to the Philippines
- US Generals at Battlefront Before Metz
- Pres Roosevelt Returns to Washington
- US Post Office Rushes Mail to Troops Abroad
- Sea Battle of the Philippines
- Miracle Highway Speeds Supplies in Europe
- Battle of Anguar Island
- Turkey's Envoy Buried in Washington
- US-Soviet Friendship Rally
- German Garrison Surrender at Aachen
- Saipan: Base for the B-29's
- Secretary Hull, Retiring, Honored by Countrymen
- Latest Aviation News
- Mail for the Sailors
- Enemy Planes Shot Down in Leyte Battle
- Army Beats Navy in Traditional Football Classic
- "Pigmy" Flattops Carry Grain
- Stettinius Takes Oath as US Sec'y of State
- Superfortresses Bomb Formosa
- Allied Aid Reaches Tito in Yugoslavia
- "Lost Battalion" Return
- Churchill in Athens
- Epic Struggle on Western Front
USA, 1944, B&W, 116 minutes, English Narration
NTSC Region 0 encoding (Entire World)
See also United Newsreels 20 DVD Set Vol 1-20 (DVD) or United Newsreels 5 DVD Set Vol 11-15 (DVD)