St Lawrence Seaway/Seaport of Chicago DVD
Product Description
A joint appearance by Queen Elizabeth and President Eisenhower highlight this documentary on the development of the St. Lawrence Seaway. The great challenge of getting cargo back and forth between the U.S. Western plains and Europe by sea was answered by the Seaway. This documentary shows how, before the Seaway, it was difficult to get large cargo ships from Minnesota's Lake Superior all the way to the Atlantic Ocean, and the challenge posed by the powerful Niagara Falls. But it also shows the marvel of engineering that went into the Seaway's development -- the demolishing (or relocating) of towns, the enormous dredging work, and the re-routing of water ways. All the hard work pays off with an appearance by the Queen and the President at the ceremonial opening of the Seaway. USA, 1959, B&W, 16 minutes.
Plus SEAPORT OF CHICAGO: USA, 1966, Color, 20 minutes. Narrated by Frazier Thomas.
Two films on one DVD. Total running time 36 minutes.
Plus SEAPORT OF CHICAGO: USA, 1966, Color, 20 minutes. Narrated by Frazier Thomas.
Two films on one DVD. Total running time 36 minutes.
NTSC Region 0 encoding (Entire World)