News Magazine of the Screen: 1957 DVD
Product Description
Between 1949-1957 Pathe (the company
that invented the theatrical newsreel),
released 81 monthy issues of their high quality
"News Magazine of the Screen".
Their slogan was "The World in the Camera".
First-rate production crews traveled the
nation and the globe to cover the
top stories in politics, entertainment
and sports.
1.FLIGHT FROM HUNGARY: Hungarian refugees dramatically flee from the Soviet take-over in 1956, into the waiting arms of welcoming nations.
2. U.N. TROOPS TAKE OVER SUEZ CANAL: United Nations troops keep the peace after fighting breaks out at the border of Egypt and Israel in 1956. Includes long gas lines in Europe caused by the resulting oil crisis.
3. UNCOVERING MORE RUINS IN POMPEII: A fascinating look at the uncovering of more ruins in Pompeii, 19 centuries after the cataclysmic eruption of Mount Vesuvius.
4. PAINTING ON PINHEADS: An Italian painter creates beautiful artwork on the head of a pin, using a microscope and a single strand of hair as a paintbrush. His tiny palette rests on his hand.
5. SCALING MONTSERRAT: The devoutly religious climb up the dizzying rocky crags of Montserrat in Northern Spain to deliver a statue of the Virgin Mary.
6. ZOOLOGY: A close-up look at the many different skins of the exotic animals at the Bronx Park Zoo in New York.
7. A NATIONAL MONUMENT UNDERGROUND: A close look at the The Lehman Caverns of Nevada, “a twilight world of timeless beauty”.
8. NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY: An inside look at the New York Public Library and its massive reading rooms and seven floors of stacked books and manuscripts, some four million volumes in all, including an original musical score from Ludwig Van Beethoven.
1. THE MIDDLE EAST QUESTION: President Eisenhower meets for talks with King Saud of Saudi Arabia. Includes sound of Eisenhower at a press conference.
2. YEMEN: With turmoil in the Middle East, and Yemen in skirmishes with British troops, the country opens up its doors to Western reporters and photographers for the first time.
3. LEBANON: A fascinating look at the ruins of what was once a great civilization. Restoration work is under way in a bid to preserve history.
4. CUMBERLAND FLOODS HIT FOUR STATES: President Eisenhower declares a disaster in parts of Virginia, West Virginia, Tennessee and Kentucky.
5. PROSPECTING BY HELICOPTER : Long before drones became the new way to “search from the sky”, helicopters were put to use as a modern tool for looking over the land.
6. FIRE SWEEPS THROUGH AUSTRALIA: Just outside Sydney, firefighters fight the worst wildfires in Australia's history.
7. EXPLORING AN ITALY RIVER: Scientists explore a hidden river near Salerno, one that dips into a deep cave, then comes out the other side.
8. A CRIPPLED AIRLINER LANDS IN ATLANTA: With one wheel missing, it's landing gear useless, the pilot dumps all the fuel, then lands dramatically – but safely – at Atlanta's airport.
9. CHINESE STUDENTS IN SAN FRANCISCO: With so many children of Chinese immigrants attending schools in San Francisco, one school tries something unique. It teaches the kids English and traditional “American” studies, but, at the end of the school day, then uses the same teacher to teach the kids Chinese language and culture that they may never know otherwise first-hand.
10. GRAND CANYON: Even in black and white, there's no escaping the majesty of the Grand Canyon in this history lesson.
11. A NEW LOOK AT THE MOON: A look at the enormous and high-tech Lamont-Hussey Observatory in South Africa, and its high-powered telescope, near a nature preserve. The powerful telescope can detect craters on the moon.... just a few years before Neil Armstrong actually stepped on them.
12. THE GREAT MIGRATION: Sheep herders make a perilous journey across a glacial peak in Switzerland, along with their herd of more than a thousand sheep. They're all a hearty breed – both sheep and men – and always looking for greener pastures.
13. THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS: The library for members of Congress to learn what they need to know as they craft laws... is also a fascinating stop for plenty of ordinary folks.
1. THE GAZA CRISIS: Egypt's return to the Gaza Strip ignites angry demonstrations in Israel, and the United Nations is allowed to step in and keep the peace.
2. VICE PRESIDENT NIXON TOURS AFRICA: Vice President Richard Nixon and his wife Pat happily being feted in Morocco, Tunisia, Sudan, Ethiopia, Uganda and Ghana, where colorful pageantry is on display after the country's liberation from Great Britain.
3. HOW URANIUM IS MINED: Uranium is “the most sought-after substance on Earth”, according to the narrator, and this video shows the opening of a new uranium mine in Canada, a very modern process that gets a tour by Canadian officials.
4. BRITAIN'S “OPERATION BUFFALO”: Looking for one of those classic, awesome-yet-terrifying atomic blasts from the 1950's? You've found it here, with the classic mushroom cloud set off by Britain's test of a hydrogen bomb in Australia.
5. BUILDING A BRIDGE BY AIR: The U.S. army shows off how it can use helicopters to build a bridge over a river in 30 minutes.
6. HEARTBEATS OF WHALES: Famed heart specialist Dr. Paul Dudley White leads an expedition to test the heart beats of whales.
7. INDIANS FISH AT 40 BELOW: A look at how Eskimos in Manitoba drop nets through holes in the ice to take fish. It's an exhausting task, but in four months, they take more than a million fish, all to be sold.
8. SUPERSONIC SLED: There are lots of cool military tests and explosions and parachuting to see here, in the deserts of California and Utah. In one experiment, a sled reaches super-sonic speed in just 13 minutes, then is abruptly stopped, hurtling its dummy passenger into the air.
9. AGRICULTURE: The blades of a helicopter are super-heated, then flown over orchards in California to fight a killing frost. The heat from the blades raises temperatures six degrees overnight, on 10 acres of crops.
10. ASTRONOMY: Given how difficult it is to see the full range of stars today from the ground, this is an impressive display from a planetarium in Milan, Italy. The narrator boasts that “every one of the nine thousand stars visible in the sky” can be seen in all their glory.
11. INDUSTRY – A GIFT FROM A VOLCANO: We see some very dramatic footage of the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 1944, and watch as buildings collapse under the weight of the approaching lava. But this film features how a technique has been perfected to re-heat the lava after it has cooled, turn back into liquid form, and then re-shape into threads that can be used to spin insulation, even clothes.
THE NORTH POLE: Arctic explorers use air travel to do in hours what used to take months on the ground. We follow a plane trip from Copenhagen to Tokyo, right over the very top of the world where “all compasses point south.” After 30 hours, a stop in Alaska, and a look at a “harsh and hauntingly beautiful” landscape, the team arrives in Tokyo.
THE SOUTH POLE: This video will make you long for a visit to a beach... or bring up memories of “The Thing”. It's called “Operation Deep Freeze”, in which 18 scientists from 50 nations set up a year-round camp in the Antarctic. Tons of supplies are brought in, for the scientists will be “cut off once winter arrives..... with many secrets to unlock.”
1. RUSSIA LAUNCHES SPUTNIK: A 23-inch sphere is launched into space, the first such satellite launch in history, and a feat “that may some day lead to the moon... and perhaps Mars.” Although plenty of people would disagree, President Eisenhower tells reporters in this video that “it's not a race” to put objects and people into space. He says the American space program is “carefully scheduled... and well-designed.”
2. THE QUEEN ARRIVES IN AMERICA: A young Queen Elizabeth arrives in New York City by boat in 1957, past the Statue of Liberty, for her first visit to the United States. She receives a ticker tape parade down New York's “canyon of heroes”.
3. PRINCE CHARLES ARRIVES AT BOARDING SCHOOL: Ever wonder what Prince Charles looked like as a young boy? Here is he, all smiles, heading to a boarding school outside London, at age nine. His parents are greeted by school officials and we see the monogrammed suitcase he's bringing with him. He's the first British royal to attend a public school.
4. ARMY DEMONSTRATE NEW MINE LAYERS: Like sowing fields of corn, the U.S. army shows off its big new divot-digging tool to lay mines, in the same way seeds are planted, one after the other.
5. TAIWAN “FREE CHINA”: Taiwan shows off its manpower and arsenal, through American-built tanks and trucks. It's an impressive display of troops marching on parade.
6. ART - JAPANESE NETSUKE MINIATURES: An art museum in Seattle shows off the oriental art of “netsuke”. These are finely sculpted, very small objects that are used on the drawstrings of purses and clothes. Although no bigger than a walnut, these intricate carvings, made of ivory or wood, sometimes tell elaborate stories.
7. AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL: A fascinating look at Yellowstone National Park, and the 35 square miles of hot springs and geysers, including Old Faithful, for which it is famous. It also includes the what-used-to-be-cute-but-now-environmentally-awful practice of motorists feeding hungry bears from their cars.
8. USS FRANKLIN: Some really dramatic – and heart-breaking – footage here of the Japanese attack on "Big Ben" and the war's single biggest one-day loss of life. The war ship was attacked in 1945, its bombs and planes inside rendered useless, or dangerous, to the crew. As injured crew members are tended to on the deck, you see a chaplain giving last rites to a young man, who's motioning back – a possible final communication. You see other U.S. war ships come to the aid of the Franklin, trying to prop it up, and providing a place for surviving crew members to jump to safety. Roughly 700 men were lost that day, but “miraculously”, some two thousand survived, and even more amazing, the ship never sank. In an ultra-patriotic ending, the ship is shown limping back to a New Jersey port, where the narrator notes, the ship is a now a ghost of it's former self
Four Newsreels on One DVD. USA, 1957, B&W, Total running time: 87 minutes.
1.FLIGHT FROM HUNGARY: Hungarian refugees dramatically flee from the Soviet take-over in 1956, into the waiting arms of welcoming nations.
2. U.N. TROOPS TAKE OVER SUEZ CANAL: United Nations troops keep the peace after fighting breaks out at the border of Egypt and Israel in 1956. Includes long gas lines in Europe caused by the resulting oil crisis.
3. UNCOVERING MORE RUINS IN POMPEII: A fascinating look at the uncovering of more ruins in Pompeii, 19 centuries after the cataclysmic eruption of Mount Vesuvius.
4. PAINTING ON PINHEADS: An Italian painter creates beautiful artwork on the head of a pin, using a microscope and a single strand of hair as a paintbrush. His tiny palette rests on his hand.
5. SCALING MONTSERRAT: The devoutly religious climb up the dizzying rocky crags of Montserrat in Northern Spain to deliver a statue of the Virgin Mary.
6. ZOOLOGY: A close-up look at the many different skins of the exotic animals at the Bronx Park Zoo in New York.
7. A NATIONAL MONUMENT UNDERGROUND: A close look at the The Lehman Caverns of Nevada, “a twilight world of timeless beauty”.
8. NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY: An inside look at the New York Public Library and its massive reading rooms and seven floors of stacked books and manuscripts, some four million volumes in all, including an original musical score from Ludwig Van Beethoven.
1. THE MIDDLE EAST QUESTION: President Eisenhower meets for talks with King Saud of Saudi Arabia. Includes sound of Eisenhower at a press conference.
2. YEMEN: With turmoil in the Middle East, and Yemen in skirmishes with British troops, the country opens up its doors to Western reporters and photographers for the first time.
3. LEBANON: A fascinating look at the ruins of what was once a great civilization. Restoration work is under way in a bid to preserve history.
4. CUMBERLAND FLOODS HIT FOUR STATES: President Eisenhower declares a disaster in parts of Virginia, West Virginia, Tennessee and Kentucky.
5. PROSPECTING BY HELICOPTER : Long before drones became the new way to “search from the sky”, helicopters were put to use as a modern tool for looking over the land.
6. FIRE SWEEPS THROUGH AUSTRALIA: Just outside Sydney, firefighters fight the worst wildfires in Australia's history.
7. EXPLORING AN ITALY RIVER: Scientists explore a hidden river near Salerno, one that dips into a deep cave, then comes out the other side.
8. A CRIPPLED AIRLINER LANDS IN ATLANTA: With one wheel missing, it's landing gear useless, the pilot dumps all the fuel, then lands dramatically – but safely – at Atlanta's airport.
9. CHINESE STUDENTS IN SAN FRANCISCO: With so many children of Chinese immigrants attending schools in San Francisco, one school tries something unique. It teaches the kids English and traditional “American” studies, but, at the end of the school day, then uses the same teacher to teach the kids Chinese language and culture that they may never know otherwise first-hand.
10. GRAND CANYON: Even in black and white, there's no escaping the majesty of the Grand Canyon in this history lesson.
11. A NEW LOOK AT THE MOON: A look at the enormous and high-tech Lamont-Hussey Observatory in South Africa, and its high-powered telescope, near a nature preserve. The powerful telescope can detect craters on the moon.... just a few years before Neil Armstrong actually stepped on them.
12. THE GREAT MIGRATION: Sheep herders make a perilous journey across a glacial peak in Switzerland, along with their herd of more than a thousand sheep. They're all a hearty breed – both sheep and men – and always looking for greener pastures.
13. THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS: The library for members of Congress to learn what they need to know as they craft laws... is also a fascinating stop for plenty of ordinary folks.
1. THE GAZA CRISIS: Egypt's return to the Gaza Strip ignites angry demonstrations in Israel, and the United Nations is allowed to step in and keep the peace.
2. VICE PRESIDENT NIXON TOURS AFRICA: Vice President Richard Nixon and his wife Pat happily being feted in Morocco, Tunisia, Sudan, Ethiopia, Uganda and Ghana, where colorful pageantry is on display after the country's liberation from Great Britain.
3. HOW URANIUM IS MINED: Uranium is “the most sought-after substance on Earth”, according to the narrator, and this video shows the opening of a new uranium mine in Canada, a very modern process that gets a tour by Canadian officials.
4. BRITAIN'S “OPERATION BUFFALO”: Looking for one of those classic, awesome-yet-terrifying atomic blasts from the 1950's? You've found it here, with the classic mushroom cloud set off by Britain's test of a hydrogen bomb in Australia.
5. BUILDING A BRIDGE BY AIR: The U.S. army shows off how it can use helicopters to build a bridge over a river in 30 minutes.
6. HEARTBEATS OF WHALES: Famed heart specialist Dr. Paul Dudley White leads an expedition to test the heart beats of whales.
7. INDIANS FISH AT 40 BELOW: A look at how Eskimos in Manitoba drop nets through holes in the ice to take fish. It's an exhausting task, but in four months, they take more than a million fish, all to be sold.
8. SUPERSONIC SLED: There are lots of cool military tests and explosions and parachuting to see here, in the deserts of California and Utah. In one experiment, a sled reaches super-sonic speed in just 13 minutes, then is abruptly stopped, hurtling its dummy passenger into the air.
9. AGRICULTURE: The blades of a helicopter are super-heated, then flown over orchards in California to fight a killing frost. The heat from the blades raises temperatures six degrees overnight, on 10 acres of crops.
10. ASTRONOMY: Given how difficult it is to see the full range of stars today from the ground, this is an impressive display from a planetarium in Milan, Italy. The narrator boasts that “every one of the nine thousand stars visible in the sky” can be seen in all their glory.
11. INDUSTRY – A GIFT FROM A VOLCANO: We see some very dramatic footage of the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 1944, and watch as buildings collapse under the weight of the approaching lava. But this film features how a technique has been perfected to re-heat the lava after it has cooled, turn back into liquid form, and then re-shape into threads that can be used to spin insulation, even clothes.
THE NORTH POLE: Arctic explorers use air travel to do in hours what used to take months on the ground. We follow a plane trip from Copenhagen to Tokyo, right over the very top of the world where “all compasses point south.” After 30 hours, a stop in Alaska, and a look at a “harsh and hauntingly beautiful” landscape, the team arrives in Tokyo.
THE SOUTH POLE: This video will make you long for a visit to a beach... or bring up memories of “The Thing”. It's called “Operation Deep Freeze”, in which 18 scientists from 50 nations set up a year-round camp in the Antarctic. Tons of supplies are brought in, for the scientists will be “cut off once winter arrives..... with many secrets to unlock.”
1. RUSSIA LAUNCHES SPUTNIK: A 23-inch sphere is launched into space, the first such satellite launch in history, and a feat “that may some day lead to the moon... and perhaps Mars.” Although plenty of people would disagree, President Eisenhower tells reporters in this video that “it's not a race” to put objects and people into space. He says the American space program is “carefully scheduled... and well-designed.”
2. THE QUEEN ARRIVES IN AMERICA: A young Queen Elizabeth arrives in New York City by boat in 1957, past the Statue of Liberty, for her first visit to the United States. She receives a ticker tape parade down New York's “canyon of heroes”.
3. PRINCE CHARLES ARRIVES AT BOARDING SCHOOL: Ever wonder what Prince Charles looked like as a young boy? Here is he, all smiles, heading to a boarding school outside London, at age nine. His parents are greeted by school officials and we see the monogrammed suitcase he's bringing with him. He's the first British royal to attend a public school.
4. ARMY DEMONSTRATE NEW MINE LAYERS: Like sowing fields of corn, the U.S. army shows off its big new divot-digging tool to lay mines, in the same way seeds are planted, one after the other.
5. TAIWAN “FREE CHINA”: Taiwan shows off its manpower and arsenal, through American-built tanks and trucks. It's an impressive display of troops marching on parade.
6. ART - JAPANESE NETSUKE MINIATURES: An art museum in Seattle shows off the oriental art of “netsuke”. These are finely sculpted, very small objects that are used on the drawstrings of purses and clothes. Although no bigger than a walnut, these intricate carvings, made of ivory or wood, sometimes tell elaborate stories.
7. AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL: A fascinating look at Yellowstone National Park, and the 35 square miles of hot springs and geysers, including Old Faithful, for which it is famous. It also includes the what-used-to-be-cute-but-now-environmentally-awful practice of motorists feeding hungry bears from their cars.
8. USS FRANKLIN: Some really dramatic – and heart-breaking – footage here of the Japanese attack on "Big Ben" and the war's single biggest one-day loss of life. The war ship was attacked in 1945, its bombs and planes inside rendered useless, or dangerous, to the crew. As injured crew members are tended to on the deck, you see a chaplain giving last rites to a young man, who's motioning back – a possible final communication. You see other U.S. war ships come to the aid of the Franklin, trying to prop it up, and providing a place for surviving crew members to jump to safety. Roughly 700 men were lost that day, but “miraculously”, some two thousand survived, and even more amazing, the ship never sank. In an ultra-patriotic ending, the ship is shown limping back to a New Jersey port, where the narrator notes, the ship is a now a ghost of it's former self
Four Newsreels on One DVD. USA, 1957, B&W, Total running time: 87 minutes.
NTSC Region 0 encoding (Entire World)