United Newsreels Volume 16 DVD
Product Description
This is the 16th volume of the United Newsreel series featuring 37 separate reportages as originally viewed in movie houses throughout neutral, recently-liberated, and not-so-neutral countries between April through May 1945.
Reportages include:
1. Allied Drives Split Germany
2. Army Day in Coblenz
3. British MP’s Investigate Atrocities
4. Germans Surrender in Italy
5. Prisoners Return to Homeland
6. Concentration Camp Visited by Congressmen
7. The Link-Up
8. Germany is Beaten
9. Free Vote for France
10. Allied News for Germany
11. Food for Europe
12. Unconditional Surrender
13. San Francisco Conference Moves Ahead
14. The War Ends in Europe
15. The War Continues in the Pacific
16. US Turns to Japan After German Defeat
17. Chinese Orphan Finds Home with US Airmen
18. Japanese Attack Kills 29 on US Hospital Ship
19. Pres Truman’s Mother, 92, Flies to Washington
20. First Pictures—Germany Surrenders
21. Victory Round-Up
22. Norway Freed
23. In the Wake of War
24. Channel Pipeline
25. Carrier Franklin Survives Savage Japanese Bombing
26. German U-Boats Surrender at Atlantic Port
27. Germans Sign Surrender in Berlin
28. Aircraft Carrier is Named for Pres Roosevelt
29. Allies Capture Doenitz and Seyss-Inquart
30. Airmen Arrive on Furlough en Route to Pacific
31. President and Congress Honor Infantry Hero
32. French Try and Execute Traitors
33. Progress in the Pacific War
34. Reveal Underseas Oil Line, Britain to Continent
35. Stettinius Reports on San Francisco
36. Japanese Are Driven Back in Okinawa Battle
37. Round-Up Axis War Criminals
DVD Contains Interactive Search Menu.
USA, 37 reportages, one DVD, Running time 117 minutes.
NTSC Region 0 encoding (Entire World)
Reportages include:
1. Allied Drives Split Germany
2. Army Day in Coblenz
3. British MP’s Investigate Atrocities
4. Germans Surrender in Italy
5. Prisoners Return to Homeland
6. Concentration Camp Visited by Congressmen
7. The Link-Up
8. Germany is Beaten
9. Free Vote for France
10. Allied News for Germany
11. Food for Europe
12. Unconditional Surrender
13. San Francisco Conference Moves Ahead
14. The War Ends in Europe
15. The War Continues in the Pacific
16. US Turns to Japan After German Defeat
17. Chinese Orphan Finds Home with US Airmen
18. Japanese Attack Kills 29 on US Hospital Ship
19. Pres Truman’s Mother, 92, Flies to Washington
20. First Pictures—Germany Surrenders
21. Victory Round-Up
22. Norway Freed
23. In the Wake of War
24. Channel Pipeline
25. Carrier Franklin Survives Savage Japanese Bombing
26. German U-Boats Surrender at Atlantic Port
27. Germans Sign Surrender in Berlin
28. Aircraft Carrier is Named for Pres Roosevelt
29. Allies Capture Doenitz and Seyss-Inquart
30. Airmen Arrive on Furlough en Route to Pacific
31. President and Congress Honor Infantry Hero
32. French Try and Execute Traitors
33. Progress in the Pacific War
34. Reveal Underseas Oil Line, Britain to Continent
35. Stettinius Reports on San Francisco
36. Japanese Are Driven Back in Okinawa Battle
37. Round-Up Axis War Criminals
DVD Contains Interactive Search Menu.
USA, 37 reportages, one DVD, Running time 117 minutes.
See also United Newsreels 20 DVD Set Vol 1-20 (DVD) or United Newsreels 5 DVD Set Vol 16-20 (DVD)