United Newsreels Volume 17 DVD
Product Description
This is the 17th volume of the United Newsreel series featuring 40 separate reportages as originally viewed in movie houses throughout neutral, recently-liberated, and not-so-neutral countries between May through September 1945.
Reportages include:
1. Gigantic Parade Marks May Day in Moscow
2. Nazi Leaders Meet Justice
3. Nazi Death Camp at Belsen is Destroyed
4. President Truman-Message on Japanese War
5. Tanks Lead Final Assault on Okinawa
6. World Charter Signed; Pres Truman Speaks at San Francisco
7. US Navy Fights Off Japanese Suicide Planes
8. Gen. Eisenhower Acclaimed by Hometown
9. Truman Urges World Charter Ratification
10. Liberation of Prague
11. US Livestock for War-Ravaged Nations
12. James F. Byrnes, New Secretary of State
13. Paris Parade Hails Rebirth of France
14. Chiang Kai-Shek Confers with US Gen Wedemeyer
15. US Takes Many Prisoners in Pacific War
16. Final Victory on Okinawa-Allies Invade Borneo
17. Floating Drydock for Navy’s Damaged Ships
18. Gen Eisenhower Pays Tribute at Roosevelt Grave
19. US Troops on the March from Europe to Pacific
20. Huge Flying Ship “Hawaii Mars” in Trial Run
21. Report from Ryukyus
22. Truman, Stalin, Churchill Meet in Berlin
23. Allies Invade Balikpapan
24. Bomber Crashes into New York Skyscraper
25. US Soldiers Go Direct to Pacific from Europe
26. Europe’s Stranded Millions Begin Emigration Home
27. US Carriers Fight off Enemy Suicide Attacks
28. Japan Surrenders
29. China’s Premier T.V. Soong Visits United States
30. Allies Reveal Details of Radar
31. Atomic Bomb Secrets to be Closely Guarded
32. Gen DeGaulle Visits America
33. School Days on Okinawa
34. Marshal Petain Convicted of Treason
35. Japan’s Surrender Emissaries Get Orders in Manila
36. Allied Forces Land in Japan
37. Japanese Sign Final Surrender
38. First Pictures - Inside Bomb Blasted Japan
39. President Goes to Ball Game –First Time in Five Years
40. Gen Wainwright, Hero of Bataan Comes Home
DVD Contains Interactive Search Menu.
USA, 40 reportages, one DVD, Running time 119 minutes.
NTSC Region 0 encoding (Entire World)
Reportages include:
1. Gigantic Parade Marks May Day in Moscow
2. Nazi Leaders Meet Justice
3. Nazi Death Camp at Belsen is Destroyed
4. President Truman-Message on Japanese War
5. Tanks Lead Final Assault on Okinawa
6. World Charter Signed; Pres Truman Speaks at San Francisco
7. US Navy Fights Off Japanese Suicide Planes
8. Gen. Eisenhower Acclaimed by Hometown
9. Truman Urges World Charter Ratification
10. Liberation of Prague
11. US Livestock for War-Ravaged Nations
12. James F. Byrnes, New Secretary of State
13. Paris Parade Hails Rebirth of France
14. Chiang Kai-Shek Confers with US Gen Wedemeyer
15. US Takes Many Prisoners in Pacific War
16. Final Victory on Okinawa-Allies Invade Borneo
17. Floating Drydock for Navy’s Damaged Ships
18. Gen Eisenhower Pays Tribute at Roosevelt Grave
19. US Troops on the March from Europe to Pacific
20. Huge Flying Ship “Hawaii Mars” in Trial Run
21. Report from Ryukyus
22. Truman, Stalin, Churchill Meet in Berlin
23. Allies Invade Balikpapan
24. Bomber Crashes into New York Skyscraper
25. US Soldiers Go Direct to Pacific from Europe
26. Europe’s Stranded Millions Begin Emigration Home
27. US Carriers Fight off Enemy Suicide Attacks
28. Japan Surrenders
29. China’s Premier T.V. Soong Visits United States
30. Allies Reveal Details of Radar
31. Atomic Bomb Secrets to be Closely Guarded
32. Gen DeGaulle Visits America
33. School Days on Okinawa
34. Marshal Petain Convicted of Treason
35. Japan’s Surrender Emissaries Get Orders in Manila
36. Allied Forces Land in Japan
37. Japanese Sign Final Surrender
38. First Pictures - Inside Bomb Blasted Japan
39. President Goes to Ball Game –First Time in Five Years
40. Gen Wainwright, Hero of Bataan Comes Home
DVD Contains Interactive Search Menu.
USA, 40 reportages, one DVD, Running time 119 minutes.
See also United Newsreels 20 DVD Set Vol 1-20 (DVD) or United Newsreels 5 DVD Set Vol 16-20 (DVD)