United Newsreels Volume 18 DVD
Product Description
This is the 18th volume of the United Newsreel series featuring 68 separate reportages as originally viewed in movie houses throughout neutral, recently-liberated, and not-so-neutral countries between August through November 1945.
Reportages include:
1. Jet – Propelled P-80 is World’s Fastest Plane
2. Marshal Petain is Tried for Treason
3. Entire Village on Okinawa Moved by War
4. Truman, Stalin, Attlee End Berlin Meeting
5. Japan’s Homeland Blasted by Sea and Air
6. Japanese Surrender More Territory
7. Quisling Convicted of Treason
8. Allied Powers Occupy Vienna
9. American Troops Enter Tokyo
10. B-29’s Fly from Japan to Chicago in 25 Hours
11. Hurricane Sweeps US East Coast
12. Personalities in the News
13. Surrender of Hong Kong, Wake Island
14. New Target Plane is Controlled by Radio
15. Liberation of Korea
16. Tojo-Japanese War Premier-Attempts Suicide
17. Horses for Europe Rounded up in Canada
18. Argentine People Protest Against Dictator Rule
19. US Veterans Return Home
20. Sailing Ship “Danmark” Goes Home Again
21. 14 Marines and Sailors Win Highest Award
22. Allied Undersea Demolition Teams Aided Invasion
23. Secretary Byrnes Reports on London Meeting
24. Belsen Death Camp Leaders Meet Justice
25. Admiral Nimitz is Hailed in Washington
26. First Postwar Aircraft Carrier is Launched
27. USS Ticonderoga Returns from the Pacific
28. President Rios of Chile Visits President Truman
29. Big Catch of Salmon Beats 1944 Record
30. Truman Dedicates Great New Kentucky Dam
31. Naval Academy at Annapolis Marks 100th Year
32. Top Nazis Await War Guilt Trial at Nuremberg
33. A German is Tried for Murder
34. Gen DeGaulle Visits Brussels
35. Pierre Laval is Condemned to Death
36. Submarine Operations Revealed
37. Radio Proximity Fuse-Weapon Behind Victory
38. US Marks Navy Day
39. Pierre Laval Executed for Treason
40. Yamashita on Trial for War Crimes
41. Truman Opens Labor-Industry Conference
42. 30,000 Cavalry Horses Put on Sale
43. British in Hong Kong-US Marines in Tientsin
44. Latest Pictures from Occupied Japan
45. Denmark’s King Christian Marks 75th Birthday
46. Berlin Prepares for Winter
47. 24,000,000 Vote in French Elections
48. World’s Largest Mortar
49. Motherless Baby Flies to US from England
50. Ancient Peiping Surrendered by Japanese
51. Prime Minister Attlee Visits President Truman
52. US Carrier “Roosevelt” Leaves Navy Yard
53. US Army School Retrains Former German Soldiers
54. Workmen Repair Famous NY Cathedral
55. President Vargas of Brazil Resigns
56. Prime Minister Attlee Addresses U.S. Congress
57. Neighbors Build Home for War Hero
58. News Events from Inside Defeated Japan
59. Superfortress Sets New Distance Record
60. Injured Veterans are Trained as Watchmakers
61. Japanese Aliens Are Sent Home from America
62. US Prepares for Peacetime Holiday Season
63. 287 German Generals in US Detention Camp
64. Gen Eisenhower Asks Compulsory Military Training
65. Tale of Horror Told at Trial of Yamashita
66. Nazi Spies and Murderers Are Executed by US
67. Emperor Hirohito Reports Defeat to his Ancestors
68. Nazi Germany’s Leaders on Trial at Nuremberg
DVD Contains Interactive Search Menu.
USA, 68 reportages, one DVD, Running time 121 minutes.
NTSC Region 0 encoding (Entire World)
Reportages include:
1. Jet – Propelled P-80 is World’s Fastest Plane
2. Marshal Petain is Tried for Treason
3. Entire Village on Okinawa Moved by War
4. Truman, Stalin, Attlee End Berlin Meeting
5. Japan’s Homeland Blasted by Sea and Air
6. Japanese Surrender More Territory
7. Quisling Convicted of Treason
8. Allied Powers Occupy Vienna
9. American Troops Enter Tokyo
10. B-29’s Fly from Japan to Chicago in 25 Hours
11. Hurricane Sweeps US East Coast
12. Personalities in the News
13. Surrender of Hong Kong, Wake Island
14. New Target Plane is Controlled by Radio
15. Liberation of Korea
16. Tojo-Japanese War Premier-Attempts Suicide
17. Horses for Europe Rounded up in Canada
18. Argentine People Protest Against Dictator Rule
19. US Veterans Return Home
20. Sailing Ship “Danmark” Goes Home Again
21. 14 Marines and Sailors Win Highest Award
22. Allied Undersea Demolition Teams Aided Invasion
23. Secretary Byrnes Reports on London Meeting
24. Belsen Death Camp Leaders Meet Justice
25. Admiral Nimitz is Hailed in Washington
26. First Postwar Aircraft Carrier is Launched
27. USS Ticonderoga Returns from the Pacific
28. President Rios of Chile Visits President Truman
29. Big Catch of Salmon Beats 1944 Record
30. Truman Dedicates Great New Kentucky Dam
31. Naval Academy at Annapolis Marks 100th Year
32. Top Nazis Await War Guilt Trial at Nuremberg
33. A German is Tried for Murder
34. Gen DeGaulle Visits Brussels
35. Pierre Laval is Condemned to Death
36. Submarine Operations Revealed
37. Radio Proximity Fuse-Weapon Behind Victory
38. US Marks Navy Day
39. Pierre Laval Executed for Treason
40. Yamashita on Trial for War Crimes
41. Truman Opens Labor-Industry Conference
42. 30,000 Cavalry Horses Put on Sale
43. British in Hong Kong-US Marines in Tientsin
44. Latest Pictures from Occupied Japan
45. Denmark’s King Christian Marks 75th Birthday
46. Berlin Prepares for Winter
47. 24,000,000 Vote in French Elections
48. World’s Largest Mortar
49. Motherless Baby Flies to US from England
50. Ancient Peiping Surrendered by Japanese
51. Prime Minister Attlee Visits President Truman
52. US Carrier “Roosevelt” Leaves Navy Yard
53. US Army School Retrains Former German Soldiers
54. Workmen Repair Famous NY Cathedral
55. President Vargas of Brazil Resigns
56. Prime Minister Attlee Addresses U.S. Congress
57. Neighbors Build Home for War Hero
58. News Events from Inside Defeated Japan
59. Superfortress Sets New Distance Record
60. Injured Veterans are Trained as Watchmakers
61. Japanese Aliens Are Sent Home from America
62. US Prepares for Peacetime Holiday Season
63. 287 German Generals in US Detention Camp
64. Gen Eisenhower Asks Compulsory Military Training
65. Tale of Horror Told at Trial of Yamashita
66. Nazi Spies and Murderers Are Executed by US
67. Emperor Hirohito Reports Defeat to his Ancestors
68. Nazi Germany’s Leaders on Trial at Nuremberg
DVD Contains Interactive Search Menu.
USA, 68 reportages, one DVD, Running time 121 minutes.
See also United Newsreels 20 DVD Set Vol 1-20 (DVD) or United Newsreels 5 DVD Set Vol 16-20 (DVD)