United Newsreels Volume 19 DVD
Product Description
This is the 19th volume of the United Newsreel series featuring 76 separate reportages as originally viewed in movie houses throughout neutral, recently-liberated, and not-so-neutral countries between December 1945 through March 1946.
Reportages include:
1. Moscow Talks Begin; UNO Picks US Headquarters
2. Japanese Are Sent Home from China
3. 2,000,000th US Veteran Returns; 1100 in Sea Rescue
4. A German General is Executed for War Crimes
5. US Reveals New Air Weapons
6. Trial of Nazi Leaders Continue at Nuremberg
7. The Year 1945
8. Canada Collects Clothes for World's Needy
9. Eastern US Digs Out After Heavy Snow
10. US Army Tanks Destroy Japanese War Planes
11. New Aluminum Houses to Ease World Shortage
12. Thousand-Pound 3-Wheeled Auto is Demonstrated
13. Gen Yamashita Sentenced to Death by Hanging
14. Hail Victory in California Rose Festival
15. United Nations Delegates Off to London
16. General Marshall Arrives in China
17. Prisoners of War Are Returned to Japan by US
18. Pres Truman Speaks on the Problems of 1946
19. General Patton Laid to Rest in Luxemburg
20. Triplets Reach US with Famed Airborne Division
21. Japanese General Homma Tried for War Crimes
22. Winter Sports in Full Swing in Northern US
23. World Looks to United China
24. New York Gives Hero’s Welcome to Canine Sailor
25. Army Reveals Record-Breaking Helicopter
26. Churchill Lands in US for Winter Holiday
27. Yokohama Fire Destroys US Army Supplies
28. UNO Delegates Survey Sites for US Headquarters
29. New York Salutes Airborne Division Home from Europe
30. US Automobile Industry Shows Latest Inventions
31. New Coins Honor Memory of Late Pres Roosevelt
32. Rescue Pilot in Burma Jungle
33. United Nations Meet in London
34. Vacationists Jam Florida Resorts
35. Ski Champions in Jumping Meet
36. Byrnes Speaks for America at UNO Assembly
37. Motion Picture Popularity Award to Greer Garson
38. Crows by the Million Menace US Farm Crops
39. Jet Plane Spans US in Record 4 hours, 13 min.
40. General Marshall Attends Signing of Chinese Truce
41. Aircraft Carrier FD Roosevelt in Shakedown Tests
42. US Submarines Decommissioned
43. US Army Makes Radar Contact with the Moon
44. US Army Opens Two New Bridges Over River Rhine
45. Chinese Army Leaves Shanghai for Manchuria
46. News in Sports from America
47. English Brides of US Soldiers Arrive in America
48. New Devices for Clearing Paths in Mine Fields
49. Conn to Meet Joe Louis for Championship
50. Radar Guides Ferryboats in Heavy Fogs
51. Brazil’s New President Takes Oath of Office
52. Florida Sponge Fishermen Make Record Catch
53. UNRRA Delivers Food and Clothes to Needy Europe
54. New Cardinals Go to Rome for Papal Ceremony
55. Something New in Automobiles
56. Young Horses for Australia’s Favorite Sport
57. Quintuplets Attend Canadian Winter Carnival
58. US Navy Shows Latest Airplanes
59. Supreme Court Justices Urge Racial Tolerance
60. Bobsled Racers in Fast Trials
61. Wounded Greek Heroes Arrive in United States
62. New Airliner and Jet Planes in Aviation News
63. Snowmobiles Used by Explorers on Arctic Journey
64. Pope Invests 32 New Cardinals in Vatican Rites
65. Shanghai Hails Chiang Kai-shek
66. General Homma Sentenced to Die
67. US Will Eat Less to Feed World’s Hungry
68. US Soldiers Go Skiing in Japan
69. Giant Machine Builds Concrete House in a Day
70. People of Japan See Emperor in Informal Visits
71. Amateur Boxers Fight for Titles
72. France Closes Spanish Border
73. President Truman Urges Tolerance
74. News Topics of the Week
75. Natives Moved from Atoll for Atom Bomb Test
76. Ski Jumpers Try for Record Leaps
DVD Contains Interactive Search Menu.
USA, 76 reportages, one DVD, Running time 122 minutes.
NTSC Region 0 encoding (Entire World)
Reportages include:
1. Moscow Talks Begin; UNO Picks US Headquarters
2. Japanese Are Sent Home from China
3. 2,000,000th US Veteran Returns; 1100 in Sea Rescue
4. A German General is Executed for War Crimes
5. US Reveals New Air Weapons
6. Trial of Nazi Leaders Continue at Nuremberg
7. The Year 1945
8. Canada Collects Clothes for World's Needy
9. Eastern US Digs Out After Heavy Snow
10. US Army Tanks Destroy Japanese War Planes
11. New Aluminum Houses to Ease World Shortage
12. Thousand-Pound 3-Wheeled Auto is Demonstrated
13. Gen Yamashita Sentenced to Death by Hanging
14. Hail Victory in California Rose Festival
15. United Nations Delegates Off to London
16. General Marshall Arrives in China
17. Prisoners of War Are Returned to Japan by US
18. Pres Truman Speaks on the Problems of 1946
19. General Patton Laid to Rest in Luxemburg
20. Triplets Reach US with Famed Airborne Division
21. Japanese General Homma Tried for War Crimes
22. Winter Sports in Full Swing in Northern US
23. World Looks to United China
24. New York Gives Hero’s Welcome to Canine Sailor
25. Army Reveals Record-Breaking Helicopter
26. Churchill Lands in US for Winter Holiday
27. Yokohama Fire Destroys US Army Supplies
28. UNO Delegates Survey Sites for US Headquarters
29. New York Salutes Airborne Division Home from Europe
30. US Automobile Industry Shows Latest Inventions
31. New Coins Honor Memory of Late Pres Roosevelt
32. Rescue Pilot in Burma Jungle
33. United Nations Meet in London
34. Vacationists Jam Florida Resorts
35. Ski Champions in Jumping Meet
36. Byrnes Speaks for America at UNO Assembly
37. Motion Picture Popularity Award to Greer Garson
38. Crows by the Million Menace US Farm Crops
39. Jet Plane Spans US in Record 4 hours, 13 min.
40. General Marshall Attends Signing of Chinese Truce
41. Aircraft Carrier FD Roosevelt in Shakedown Tests
42. US Submarines Decommissioned
43. US Army Makes Radar Contact with the Moon
44. US Army Opens Two New Bridges Over River Rhine
45. Chinese Army Leaves Shanghai for Manchuria
46. News in Sports from America
47. English Brides of US Soldiers Arrive in America
48. New Devices for Clearing Paths in Mine Fields
49. Conn to Meet Joe Louis for Championship
50. Radar Guides Ferryboats in Heavy Fogs
51. Brazil’s New President Takes Oath of Office
52. Florida Sponge Fishermen Make Record Catch
53. UNRRA Delivers Food and Clothes to Needy Europe
54. New Cardinals Go to Rome for Papal Ceremony
55. Something New in Automobiles
56. Young Horses for Australia’s Favorite Sport
57. Quintuplets Attend Canadian Winter Carnival
58. US Navy Shows Latest Airplanes
59. Supreme Court Justices Urge Racial Tolerance
60. Bobsled Racers in Fast Trials
61. Wounded Greek Heroes Arrive in United States
62. New Airliner and Jet Planes in Aviation News
63. Snowmobiles Used by Explorers on Arctic Journey
64. Pope Invests 32 New Cardinals in Vatican Rites
65. Shanghai Hails Chiang Kai-shek
66. General Homma Sentenced to Die
67. US Will Eat Less to Feed World’s Hungry
68. US Soldiers Go Skiing in Japan
69. Giant Machine Builds Concrete House in a Day
70. People of Japan See Emperor in Informal Visits
71. Amateur Boxers Fight for Titles
72. France Closes Spanish Border
73. President Truman Urges Tolerance
74. News Topics of the Week
75. Natives Moved from Atoll for Atom Bomb Test
76. Ski Jumpers Try for Record Leaps
DVD Contains Interactive Search Menu.
USA, 76 reportages, one DVD, Running time 122 minutes.
See also United Newsreels 20 DVD Set Vol 1-20 (DVD) or United Newsreels 5 DVD Set Vol 16-20 (DVD)