United Newsreels Volume 20 DVD
Product Description
This is the 20th volume of the United Newsreel series featuring 82 separate reportages as originally viewed in movie houses throughout neutral, recently-liberated, and not-so-neutral countries between April through June 1946.
Reportages include:
1. US Bowlers Meet for Championship
2. Aga Khan’s Weight in Diamonds Goes to India’s Needy
3. News from the World of Science
4. Churchill Visits Roosevelt Grave
5. US Hunters Trap Savage Cougars
6. US Takes Steps to Ease World Food Shortage
7. UNRAA Council Plans Relief of World’s Needy
8. US Navy Shows Largest Plane
9. Circular Dwelling Newest Invention in Housing Crisis
10. Carrier “Midway” in Arctic Tests
11. New Zealand Restocks Her Trout Streams
12. United Nations Security Council Meets in New York
13. Canadian Fire Sweeps Huge Pulpwood Stocks
14. US Phosphates to Fertilize European Crops
15. United Nations Security Council Discusses Iran
16. Goering Takes Stand at War Criminals Trial
17. Nature Strikes with Eruption and Tidal Wave
18. Musical Therapy Used to Treat Insane Pianist
19. French Village to Rise from War Ruins
20. United Nations Continue Security Council Session
21. Submarines of Japanese Navy Sunk by US
22. Whole US Town Cleaned Up with DDT Insecticide
23. Gold Rush in Canadian Town
24. Florida Cypress felled to Ease Housing Shortage
25. US Marks First Anniversary of Roosevelt’s Death
26. Japanese go to Polls in First Free Election
27. Gen. MacArthur Asks Nations to Abolish War
28. Greek Wins US Marathon Race
29. Seek Solution of Indian Problems
30. Ancient Cars Mark 50th Anniversary of Auto Industry
31. America Acts in World Food Crises
32. Huge Flying Wing in Aviation News
33. Pres. Truman at Fleet Maneuvers
34. American Midwest Delivers Wheat for World’s Needy
35. 45 Die in US Railroad Disaster
36. University Stars Compete in US Track Meet
37. Foreign Ministers Meet in Paris
38. Air Freight by Parachute
39. Roxas Elected President of Philippines
40. Apple Blossom Festival in US Northwest
41. Hidden Silver Retrieved from Tokyo Bay
42. Joe Louis and Conn Sign for Title Bout
43. Ingenious Device Aids New York Slum Clearance
44. 100,000 Attend US Horse Race
45. Navy Tests New Ship Propeller
46. Japanese War Criminals go on Trial in Tokyo
47. 3,000 Sheep Cross Largest US Dam
48. Pres. Roxas of Philippines Sees President Truman
49. Arctic Explorers Complete Mission
50. President Truman Speaks on World Food Situation
51. US Coast Guard Resumes Northern Iceberg Patrol
52. Hoover Returns from World Food Survey Trip
53. Plane Crashes into New York City Skyscraper
54. Byrnes Reports on Four-Power Paris Conference
55. China Takes Over US Navy Vessels
56. Britain Discusses India and Egypt
57. War Victims Find Haven in America
58. US Catholics Donate Food for World Needy
59. Negro Educator Enshrined in Hall of Fame
60. Nazi Criminals Pay for Crimes
61. Indians of Panama Harvest Bananas
62. New York Police Host to Children on Gay Outing
63. Liberated Europe Marks Anniversary of 1944 Invasion
64. Latest News in Aviation World
65. 58 Perish in US Hotel Fire
66. Nanking Again China’s Capital
67. Old Cars Parade to Mark 50th Auto Anniversary
68. French Honor US Dead, Two Years After Invasion
69. New Officers for US Army, Navy
70. U.S. Demonstrates Latest Rockets
71. Pres. Peron is Inaugurated in Argentina
72. Largest Plane to have Eight Motors
73. Foreign Ministers Meet in Paris
74. Latest News from the Middle East
75. US Offers Atom Control Plan
76. US Plans Test of Atom Bomb on Pacific Atoll
77. DDT Insecticide Used to Fight Child Paralysis
78. Pres. Truman Greets Wounded War Veterans
79. Quadruplets Born to US Mother
80. Louis and Conn in Final Training for Title Bout
81. New Champion Shears 5 Sheep in 12 Minutes
82. Gen. Eisenhower Visits Far East
DVD Contains Interactive Search Menu.
USA, 82 reportages, one DVD, Running time 132 minutes.
NTSC Region 0 encoding (Entire World)
Reportages include:
1. US Bowlers Meet for Championship
2. Aga Khan’s Weight in Diamonds Goes to India’s Needy
3. News from the World of Science
4. Churchill Visits Roosevelt Grave
5. US Hunters Trap Savage Cougars
6. US Takes Steps to Ease World Food Shortage
7. UNRAA Council Plans Relief of World’s Needy
8. US Navy Shows Largest Plane
9. Circular Dwelling Newest Invention in Housing Crisis
10. Carrier “Midway” in Arctic Tests
11. New Zealand Restocks Her Trout Streams
12. United Nations Security Council Meets in New York
13. Canadian Fire Sweeps Huge Pulpwood Stocks
14. US Phosphates to Fertilize European Crops
15. United Nations Security Council Discusses Iran
16. Goering Takes Stand at War Criminals Trial
17. Nature Strikes with Eruption and Tidal Wave
18. Musical Therapy Used to Treat Insane Pianist
19. French Village to Rise from War Ruins
20. United Nations Continue Security Council Session
21. Submarines of Japanese Navy Sunk by US
22. Whole US Town Cleaned Up with DDT Insecticide
23. Gold Rush in Canadian Town
24. Florida Cypress felled to Ease Housing Shortage
25. US Marks First Anniversary of Roosevelt’s Death
26. Japanese go to Polls in First Free Election
27. Gen. MacArthur Asks Nations to Abolish War
28. Greek Wins US Marathon Race
29. Seek Solution of Indian Problems
30. Ancient Cars Mark 50th Anniversary of Auto Industry
31. America Acts in World Food Crises
32. Huge Flying Wing in Aviation News
33. Pres. Truman at Fleet Maneuvers
34. American Midwest Delivers Wheat for World’s Needy
35. 45 Die in US Railroad Disaster
36. University Stars Compete in US Track Meet
37. Foreign Ministers Meet in Paris
38. Air Freight by Parachute
39. Roxas Elected President of Philippines
40. Apple Blossom Festival in US Northwest
41. Hidden Silver Retrieved from Tokyo Bay
42. Joe Louis and Conn Sign for Title Bout
43. Ingenious Device Aids New York Slum Clearance
44. 100,000 Attend US Horse Race
45. Navy Tests New Ship Propeller
46. Japanese War Criminals go on Trial in Tokyo
47. 3,000 Sheep Cross Largest US Dam
48. Pres. Roxas of Philippines Sees President Truman
49. Arctic Explorers Complete Mission
50. President Truman Speaks on World Food Situation
51. US Coast Guard Resumes Northern Iceberg Patrol
52. Hoover Returns from World Food Survey Trip
53. Plane Crashes into New York City Skyscraper
54. Byrnes Reports on Four-Power Paris Conference
55. China Takes Over US Navy Vessels
56. Britain Discusses India and Egypt
57. War Victims Find Haven in America
58. US Catholics Donate Food for World Needy
59. Negro Educator Enshrined in Hall of Fame
60. Nazi Criminals Pay for Crimes
61. Indians of Panama Harvest Bananas
62. New York Police Host to Children on Gay Outing
63. Liberated Europe Marks Anniversary of 1944 Invasion
64. Latest News in Aviation World
65. 58 Perish in US Hotel Fire
66. Nanking Again China’s Capital
67. Old Cars Parade to Mark 50th Auto Anniversary
68. French Honor US Dead, Two Years After Invasion
69. New Officers for US Army, Navy
70. U.S. Demonstrates Latest Rockets
71. Pres. Peron is Inaugurated in Argentina
72. Largest Plane to have Eight Motors
73. Foreign Ministers Meet in Paris
74. Latest News from the Middle East
75. US Offers Atom Control Plan
76. US Plans Test of Atom Bomb on Pacific Atoll
77. DDT Insecticide Used to Fight Child Paralysis
78. Pres. Truman Greets Wounded War Veterans
79. Quadruplets Born to US Mother
80. Louis and Conn in Final Training for Title Bout
81. New Champion Shears 5 Sheep in 12 Minutes
82. Gen. Eisenhower Visits Far East
DVD Contains Interactive Search Menu.
USA, 82 reportages, one DVD, Running time 132 minutes.
See also United Newsreels 20 DVD Set Vol 1-20 (DVD) or United Newsreels 5 DVD Set Vol 16-20 (DVD)